
  • Get Life Cover worth Rs.1 Crore at Rs.17 per day2 – Bajaj Allianz Life Smart Protection Goal

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  • Fulfill your Life Goals with Bajaj Allianz Life Goal Assure

  • Here's a Comprehensive Tool To Plan Your Child's Future

  • There is lot to remember in Life, Set renewal premium payments to Auto Pay

  • Get your Life Goals Done with Bajaj Allianz Life Smart Assist – BINA MILEY MIL-KAR

  • Paying your Renewal Premium is Quick and Easy!

  • Know the right amount of Insurance you need in just a few steps!

  • Avail Term Insurance Tax Benefits under Section 80D

  • Know how to invest money during the covid-19 pandemic!


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2Above illustration is for Bajaj Allianz Life eTouch- A Non Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Term Plan (UIN: 116N172V03) considering Male aged 25 years | Non-Smoker | Policy Term (PT)– 30 years | Premium Payment Term (PPT) – 30 years | Sum Assured opted is Rs. 1,00,00,000 | Online Channel | Standard Life | 1st Year Premium is Rs. 6,238. 2nd Year onwards premium is Rs. 6,659. Total Premium Paid is Rs. 1,99,349 | Medical Rates | Yearly Premium Payment Mode | Death benefit opted is lumpsum payout and monthly installments (Lumpsum Payout Percentage: 45, Income Payout Percentage: 55) | Premium shown above is exclusive of Goods & Service Tax/any other applicable tax levied, subject to changes in tax laws, and any extra premium and is for illustrative purpose only. This is inclusive of all the discounts mentioned above.

35% Discount applicable for customer's first individual life insurance policy, applicable only on first year’s premium. | 5% Discount for salaried customers, applicable only on first year’s premium. | 6% Discount on online purchase is available for regular premium payment and limited premium payment frequency. | 1% Discount will be available for all policies where premium payment is under auto-debit process (as allowed by RBI from time-to-time) through-out the premium paying term.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd. | IRDAI Reg. No. 116

Life Insurance Guide: Articles on Life Insurance

Are you new to life insurance? Understand all the basic concepts of insurance, investment, retirement and savings. Financial planning could help you make informed decisions to achieve your Life Goals. Read this section before you start your search for the right insurance plan.

  • Term
  • ULIP
  • Investment
  • Health
  • Retirement
  • Child
  • Life
  • Tax
What is Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

What is Term Insurance?

A life insurance plan is an important part of the financial portfolio. The reason is simple. It provides financial security to the family in the absence of the breadwinner. Moreover, there are different types of life insurance plans that help you fulfil your financial goals and get financial security at the same time.

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Term insurance benefits you should know about

Term Insurance Benefits

Safety is an important consideration for all of us. For instance, when we are driving, we make sure that we have our seatbelts on for our safety. Naturally, we extend this care and consideration to every sphere of life and are even more cautious when it comes to our family.

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Term plan with return of premium

Term Plan With Return Of Premium – Know All About It

Many Life insurance customers have expressed their concern on losing out their money if no claims are made during the tenure of their term insurance plan. To address this, life insurance companies are offering term insurance plans with a return of premium option. It means that if the Life assured continues to live through the policy tenure then at the end of policy term the life insurance company returns all the premium paid towards the policy.

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Term insurance tax benefit

Term Insurance Tax Benefit Under Section 80C & 80DD

Every year, around the end of the financial year, we tend to seek out financial instruments which help us in tax planning and savings. Of these, buying a life insurance policy has always been a popular option. Term insurance plan is one such life insurance plan which provides tax benefits, in addition to offering life cover to the policy holder and providing protection and financial security to the family.

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Term insurance premium reduction

Term Insurance Premiums Explained

Term insurance is the simplest and the most cost-effective form of life insurance available to us. Term life insurance protection ensures that your family’s life goals such as children education or marriage don’t get disrupted even in adversity. Therefore, term insurance should be an important part of your long-term financial goal-setting plan.

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Know about Child Insurance plan and its various features!

Everything you need to know about Child Insurance plans and its features

When it comes to investment planning, prioritising your child's future takes precedence. This is because rising education costs, health care costs, and wedding costs are all key components of your financial plans. As a result, having a solid financial plan in place for your child is critical.

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Term insurance age limit

Term Insurance Age Limit – Know All About It

Everyone wants their family to be hale and hearty. Even though most people don’t directly associate happiness with financial stability, it nevertheless plays an important part. Being an earning member of the family, it is your responsibility to ensure the financial stability of your family. A term insurance plan can be an efficient tool to financially ring-fence your family in your absence.

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What is ULIP plan

What Is ULIP?

It doesn't matter if your 20, 35 or 50. Whatever your age, you are sure to have certain life goals and dreams that you hope to fulfil. You may want to complete your MBA, or perhaps you want to make a down payment on your dream home. Whatever be the reason, to be able to fund your life goals you need corpus. You can use an investment tool such as a Unit Linked Insurance Plan, or ULIP, to help you save up the money required. But, what is a ULIP?

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ULIP returns

Know ULIP Returns In 10 Years

A Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) is considered as one of the most preferable means of investment today. ULIP Investment, which was once associated with higher costs, has changed the game for itself due to low costs and potential to earn high returns. A majority of investors prefer investing in a ULIP since they are looking at maximizing returns over the long run. However, an investor can yield desired gains if he/she invests in the right funds based on his/her risk appetite for a long term. One can seek advice from subject matter experts before taking a decision.

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ULIP charges

5 ULIP Charges You Should Know About

A Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) is considered as one of the most preferable means of investment today. ULIP Investment, which was once associated with higher costs, has changed the game for itself due to low costs and potential to earn high returns. A majority of investors prefer investing in a ULIP since they are looking at maximizing returns over the long run. However, an investor can yield desired gains if he/she invests in the right funds based on his/her risk appetite for a long term. One can seek advice from subject matter experts before taking a decision.

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ULIP Tax Benefits | Bajaj Allianz Life

ULIP Tax Benefits - How ULIPs Help You Save On Income Tax

If you are reading this, the chances are that you are exploring ways to reduce your income tax liability and also make some smart investments that help you create wealth.

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ULIP benefits

ULIP Benefits - Why Invest In ULIP

There goes a saying, The early bird catches the worm'. In literary sense, it means that a person will have an advantage if they do or start something early. In the world of investments it means that the earlier a person starts investing, the more time their money will have to grow. Thus, starting to invest early towards your life goals is one of the best financial steps you can take.

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ULIP funds

ULIP Funds

ULIPs are one amongst the most preferred investment options in the Indian financial markets right now. They offer alternative investment solutions for investors with varying risk profiles with a life insurance cover component as well. So, irrespective of whether you’re a conservative investor or a risk-taker, you’ll find ULIP funds that fit right into your risk-reward graph. Getting to know more about the kind of funds available in a ULIP plan helps you structure your investment smartly. Furthermore, allocating your money across different funds in a prudent manner also helps maximize your ULIP returns.

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Tax saving investment plans in India

Tax Saving Investments – 3 Ways Insurance Can Help You Save Tax

The life insurance industry in the country has seen a steady growth over 6 years from 2012 to 2018, and the premium from new life insurance business reached Rs. 2.15 trillion, an increase of 10.73 percent year-on-year in FY19[1].

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Return on investment meaning

What Is Return On Investment?

Planning Life Goals has become an important aspect for every investor today. It is important for one to realise their life goals and plan for them accordingly. However, investing in the right type of insurance policy doesn’t end your job. Since a majority of investment products are market-linked, monitoring their performance is an important part of an investment. To ensure its effectiveness, returns on investment play a major role.

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Investment options

Investment Plans In India For FY 20-21

You earn and spend your income month after month, but the secret to securing your future and ensuring that you meet your life goals lies in investing. Life goals can vary from one person to the next. For some people, it may involve purchasing or constructing a new home. For others, life goals could involve giving their children the best possible education. Yet other people may have life goals that focus on planning well for retirement.

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3 types of investments

3 Types Of Investment And Insurance Plans

From the time you start earning, the chances of accumulating funds are higher. However, the savings habit inculcated in Indians overlooks the benefits of investment plans. While a majority of Indians prefer savings over investments, a systematic investment plan (SIP) proves beneficial in multiple ways. To channel your investments in the right direction, an investor must know the options available in the market to reap benefits at a minimal cost.

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Where to invest money

Where To Invest Money In India

First-time investors are often faced with the question of where to invest money in India. With the country’s financial markets teeming with several types of investments, it can be overwhelming to choose an instrument that suits your requirements and risk appetite. Some of these options even qualify as tax-saving investments, meaning that they can help you reduce your tax liability as an added advantage.

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Online investment plans in India

Online Investment Plans – Benefits And How To Get Started

Investing your money in the right instruments is pivotal to achieving your financial goals. If you’re salaried or self-employed professionals, you probably have a tendency to save up a part of your earnings each month. And while it’s a good thing to save a portion of your income, it’s a smarter strategy to invest it. This is because money that is invested prudently can help you make more money. This, in turn, allows you to achieve your long-term financial goals sooner.

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How to Choose the Best Critical Illness Cover for Yourself

How to Choose the Best Critical Illness Cover for Yourself

With increasing incidences of critical illnesses, such as heart ailments, insurance policies covering such diseases are a must-have in your insurance portfolio. While mediclaim policies cover the hospitalization expense the reality is,.

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Everything You Need To Know About Critical Illness Health Insurance Plans

Everything You Need To Know About Critical Illness Health Insurance Plans

Being healthy is crucial to achieving any life goal. While one part of being healthy is exercising and eating healthy, the other element is to financially prepare for any illness or eventuality,.

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Know 4 Different Types of Health Insurance Plans

Know 4 Different Types of Health Insurance Plans

Healthcare expenses can be the biggest drag on your finances. With lack of quality public healthcare system, we invariably fall back on private medical services, which come at a higher cost. Moreover, with healthcare inflation increasing at a double-digit rate,.

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Compare an ordinary Health Insurance Plan and a Critical Illness Cover

Compare an ordinary Health Insurance Plan and a Critical Illness Cover

Many of us are confused about the difference between a traditional health insurance plan and a critical illness cover and sometimes might even use the terms interchangeably. That's not all, some of us also believe.

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Handle NCDs with the help of a Critical Illness Cover

Handle NCDs with the help of a Critical Illness Cover

Cast a cursory glance around and the chances are some of your friends or acquaintances are battling serious illnesses. There has been a dramatic surge in the incidences of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), like heart ailments and Cancer, over the last few years.

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Critical Illness Cover Policy or Rider Benefit: What makes more sense?

Critical Illness Cover Policy or Rider Benefit: What makes more sense?

Sometimes we have to handle a few hurdles in our road to realizing our life goals. Usually, these hurdles arrive when we least expect them. Critical Illness, such as heart ailment, diabetes or cancer, is one such possible problem.

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 Approaching Retirement Age? Know How To Prepare For It

Approaching Retirement Age? Know How To Prepare For It

Planning for retirement is the most crucial step for every individual. An early retirement ensures that all the life goals of your loved ones are successfully met. 

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Retirement planning tips

Retirement Planning – A Comprehensive Guide

Some people may be married to their work. For others, however, working for long hours becomes a habit. If this sounds like you, then you’ve probably contemplated retiring by your early sixties or late fifties. And this is a goal that doesn’t come easy. It takes a lot of careful planning to successfully achieve the financial standing needed to stop working early in life. If you’re interested in learning more about how to retire early, this guide can help you get started with all the financial strategies needed for getting your early retirement goals done.

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Retirement benefits from Bajaj Allianz Life

Retirement Benefits – How To Enjoy Them Without Worry

Most people are guided by the proverb - Work is Worship throughout their professional life. It doesn’t matter how much you love your work, you will have to stop someday and give your mind and body a much-needed rest. In India, people are expected to stop working and relax after the age of 60. A majority of public and private sector companies have set the mandatory retirement age around 60. Retirement leads to a sudden change in the daily routine as well as the lifestyle of the retiree. After following a routine for several decades, you are suddenly without any fixed schedule after retirement. The sudden and profound changes brought by retirement can be difficult for some people, but retirement has its own advantages.

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5 Tips to Help You Buy A Retirement Investment Plan In India

5 Tips to Help You Buy A Retirement Investment Plan In India

Every individual deserves a comfortable lifestyle. However, building a stress-free life is a financial challenge faced by a majority of people and the main reason behind this is lack of financial planning or knowledge.

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 Retirement investment plans

Retirement Investment Plans In India

Irrespective of the age at which you choose to retire, it’s essential to save up for retirement, so you can enjoy your golden years without worrying about your finances. When you’re younger, a significant portion of your time is spent working. It’s only later in life, when you’ve retired, that you may find the time to catch up on your life goals like traveling the world, learning new skills, or cultivating various hobbies. To fulfil your post-retirement dreams, it’s crucial that you plan for the future as early in life as possible.

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Retirement savings generation tips

Retirement Savings Plan – How Much To Save At Different Life Stages

Life expectancy is constantly going up. However, the retirement age continues to be at the older level. This combination means that you are very likely to have a longer retired life compared to the earlier generation. Moreover, our financial requirements also go up with time. The post-retirement period also needs special attention, both emotional and financial, to address the healthcare needs.

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International Girl Child Day - Secure Your Daughter's Future

Secure Your Daughter's Financial Future This International Girl Child Day

Children hold a special place in their parents’ heart. That is why parents always try to provide better for their children, whether it is in terms of education or for their future life. As a parent, while you might save for your daughter’s future, you need to secure her financial future in the face of any exigency. Think of what would happen if you were not around to save for your daughter. Would her future be secured financially?

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Importance of Waiver of Premium Rider in a Child Plan

2 Riders Which Are Suitable for a Child Life Insurance Policy

One of the preferred ways to secure your child’s future is by purchasing a child life insurance plan. Apart from being able to financially secure their future, a child plan also allows you to customise it according to your requirements through add-ons. One of the important add-ons that you may opt for a child plan is the waiver of premium rider. Want to know more about it? Continue reading to find out.

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Know about Child Insurance plan and its various features!

Everything you need to know about Child Insurance plans and its features

When it comes to investment planning, prioritising your child's future takes precedence. This is because rising education costs, health care costs, and wedding costs are all key components of your financial plans. As a result, having a solid financial plan in place for your child is critical.

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Child plans in India

What Is A Child Plan?

As a parent, one of the greatest joys of life is watching your children grow up into fine young people. Along with these joys, there is also the responsibility of ensuring that your children have all the resources necessary to grow into smart and responsible people. In order to ensure that your children get the best of everything, right from good education to the financial support they need to pursue their dreams early in life. You, as parents, need to plan your finances smartly from early on to ensure your child’s life goals are met.

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Life insurance policy

Life Insurance – A Comprehensive Guide

Human life is uncertain. Even though the risks to human life have reduced with the advancement of technology, hundreds still meet a premature death on a daily basis. The loss of a bread-winning member can deal a body blow to the entire family. The loss is emotional as well as financial and many families fail to recover from the financial impact. The emotional loss cannot be compensated but the financial loss can be mitigated to an extent. Life insurance plans can help one secure the financial future of his/her family. The pay-out from life insurance plans can be used for income replacement, which can be of immense importance for the financial well-being of the family.

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Types Of Life Insurance Plans

Types Of Life Insurance Policies In India

A life insurance plan or policy allows a policyholder to enter into a formal contract with a life insurance company where the insurer agrees to pay a mutually agreed sum to the beneficiary in the event of the life assured's death or upon maturity of the plan.

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What is life insurance policy

What Is Life Insurance Policy?

Insurance penetration and insurance density, which reflects the development of the insurance sector in a country, is still very low in India. In FY 2018-19, India had an insurance penetration rate of 3.7% compared to the global average of 6%, and insurance density of just $74 compared to the global average of $682[1].

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Whole life insurance

Whole Life Insurance – Know All About It

There are innumerable risks to human life. Millions lose their lives every year in unpredictable incidents ranging from accidents to natural calamities. The emotional toll of losing a family member gets adequate focus, but the financial impact goes unnoticed. Life insurance policies have become the primary tool for mitigating the financial impact of untimely death. A typical life insurance policy has a fixed tenure. However, whole life insurance plans have changed the dynamics for potential customers.

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Life cover

How To Determine Your Life Insurance Cover

Figuring out the amount of life cover that is desirable to your needs is a tricky question. Let us address the question of "What is life insurance" first.

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Life insurance benefits

Benefits Of Life Insurance Plans

On any given day, you may come across several TV commercials, newspaper and online ads, hoardings and magazines trying to tell you about the importance and benefits of life insurance. Yet, how many people take action and buy a life insurance plan when they see those ads?

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What is Direct Tax in India and what are its Types?

What is Direct Tax in India and what are its Types?

The tax structure in India broadly consists of two types of taxes, namely indirect tax and direct tax. Understanding the basic framework and the components of these taxes can help you become more financially literate. In turn, that can assist you in managing your money and your investments better.

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What is Indirect Tax and what are its Types?

What is Indirect Tax in India and what are its Types?

India has a robust mechanism of taxes that helps the government to fund many developmental projects in the country. These taxes can broadly be categorized as direct and indirect tax. Now, what is indirect tax? If that’s what you’re wondering, let’s take a closer look at the details of indirect tax in India.

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How to File ITR?

Step by Step Guide to Filing ITR Online

Paying your taxes on time is important. But in addition to that, you also need to file income tax returns (ITRs) within the time specified. Not sure what an ITR is and how to file ITR online? Keep reading to learn more about this process.

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Types Of ITR

Types Of ITR – Which ITR Should I File?

Filing income tax can be a long and arduous process in the event that one isn’t clued up on the variety of forms available and what each of these entails and to who they are applicable. Paying income tax is important. This article aims to arm readers with knowledge on the same such that no confusions arise at the time of filing income taxes.

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Income Tax Slabs in India

Income Tax Slabs in India for FY 2023-24

A new tax regime was introduced in the 20201 budget. The regime had lower tax rates for higher incomes and allowed taxpayers to choose between the existing tax slabs and the newly introduced slabs. Moreover, in the Union Budget 20231,$, changes have been made to the new tax regime while the old regime stayed the same. The new regime has been made all the more attractive with increased tax rebate limits, lower rates and introduction of standard deduction which was previously disallowed. Taxpayers can choose the old regime or the new regime depending on which one would give them a lower tax liability. The new changes in the new regime, introduced in the Union Budget 2023$, would be applicable from the financial year 2023-241 wherein you can make your choice when filing tax return.

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Advance tax

Advance Tax

Paying taxes can be confusing, tiresome, and frustrating. This article seeks to provide readers with guidance on what advance tax is, how to calculate it, and the general intricacies that surround its functioning.

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Bajaj Allianz Life Announces Bonus for its Participating Plans | Happy Bonus to You

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~Tax benefits as per prevailing Income tax laws shall apply. Please check with your tax consultant for eligibility.

The above information is for general understanding and is meant to educate the general public at large. The reader will have to verify the facts, law and content with the prevailing tax statutes and seek appropriate professional advice before acting on the basis of the above information.