If all due premiums are paid, then, in case of unfortunate death of the life assured during the policy term, the death benefit payable will be, higher of:
The death benefit is subject to the Guaranteed Death Benefit% of 105% of the total premiums3 paid, till the date of death.
If the rider Waiver of Premium (WOP) has been taken under the policy and the WOP benefit has already been triggered under the policy, then, on termination of policy the present value of future WOP installments, discounted at 4% p.a., shall be payable.
The policy will terminate on the date of intimation of death of the life assured. All the above is paid as on date of receipt of intimation of death at the Insurance Company’s office.
%Sum Assured/Guaranteed Death Benefit shall be reduced to the extent of the partial withdrawals made from the regular premium fund during the two (2) year period immediately preceding the death of the life assured.
^Fund Value is equal to Regular Premium Fund Value (1) plus Top Up Premium Fund Value (2), where:
1Regular Premium Fund Value is equal to the total Units in respect of regular/limited premiums paid under this policy multiplied by the respective unit price on the relevant valuation date and
2Top Up Premium Fund Value is equal to the total Units in respect of Top-Up premium under this policy multiplied by the respective unit price on the relevant valuation date.
3Total premiums paid shall be sum of all regular/limited and Top-Up premiums paid till date.
4Prevailing Sum Assured is Sum Assured in any year after reduction of premium or decrease of Sum Assured, if any.