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  • Avail Term Insurance Tax Benefits under Section 80D

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Detailed Information about Term insurance

Term Insurance Life Insurance Guide

Term insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides coverage to the policyholder and financial protection to his/her family. A term plan is advisable if you want to ensure the security of your family in your absence. Understanding the basics of term insurance is important before buying the right term plan for yourself. Let us help you understand in detail about term insurance, how it works, its benefits etc.

Difference Between Participating and Non-Participating Insurance

Difference Between Participating and Non-Participating Insurance

Savings-oriented life insurance plans offer dual benefits – they provide insurance coverage against the risk of premature demise during the policy tenure and they also help you create a savings corpus for your financial goals. Moreover, in some plans, you might also earn bonus declarations (if declared by the company) which help in enhancing the policy benefits.

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Decreasing Term Insurance: Overview, Meaning and Pros & Cons

A Guide on Decreasing Term Insurance Plans

When it comes to a topic such as term insurance, everyone may have a different set of coverage needs. After all, people’s incomes, expenses, lifestyles, liabilities, and so on, may differ to quite an extent and so may their coverage requirements. Thus, there may be no one-size-fits-all term insurance policy.

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What are the Documents Required for Term Plan | Bajaj Allianz Life

What Are The Documents Required For Term Plan?

For some people, term insurance may offer life cover at an affordable premium, when compared to other types of life insurance. Having term insurance may ensure that in case you lose your life during policy term, your family has a financial security they can rely on. Once you have decided to buy a term plan, you can go through the fine print and submit all the required documents.

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When To Buy A Term Insurance Plan | Bajaj Allianz Life

When To Buy A Term Insurance Plan?

People may toil day in and day out to earn and make a living for their families. They may also save to fulfil their financial goals. However, life is uncertain, and a sudden eventuality might put a stop to their financial plans and goals. Moreover, if the breadwinner of the family passes away, the family might suffer a considerable financial strain. That is where life insurance plans may prove useful. They cover the risk of premature demise of the life assured and can help the family of the deceased deal with the financial strain suffered.

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Can You Purchase Term Insurance Without Income Proof | Bajaj Allianz Life

Can You Purchase Term Insurance Without Income Proof?

Term insurance offers financial protection in the form of life cover for a predefined period of time, in exchange for a premium. If the insured dies during the policy term, the insurer pays the death benefit to the nominee listed under the plan, subject to terms and conditions of the insurance policy.

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Is Term Insurance Viable for Diabetic Patients | Bajaj Allianz Life

Is Term Insurance Viable For Diabetic Patients?

A term insurance policy can help secure a family's financial future if the breadwinner passes away. This may be one of the prime reasons why individuals invest in a suitable term plan. But what if the individual is having diabetes? Can he/she still invest in term insurance?

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What Is A Telemedical Examination for Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

What Is A Telemedical Examination for Term Insurance?

A term insurance policy can help secure a family's financial future if the breadwinner passes away. This may be one of the prime reasons why individuals invest in a suitable term plan. But what if the individual is having diabetes? Can he/she still invest in term insurance?

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Should You Have Multiple Nominees For Your Term Plan | Bajaj Allianz Life

Should You Have Multiple Nominees For Your Term Plan?

If you are the primary breadwinner of your family, then one of the concerns that may be troubling you is the future of your family’s finances, especially when you may no longer be around.

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Is Term Insurance Claim Amount Taxable

Is Term Insurance Claim Amount Taxable?

Term insurance plans in India are one of the preferred options for individuals looking to financially safeguard their family. Not only do they financially compensate your beneficiaries upon your untimely demise by way of a death benefit, but they are also very cost-effective as compared to other life insurance plans. You can avail a sizable amount of sum assured by paying just a fraction of it as premiums.

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Tax Benefits of Term Insurance Policy | Bajaj Allianz Life

Term Insurance Tax Benefits: Deductions under 80C, 80D and 10(10D)

A term insurance policy is a protection-oriented life insurance policy that can help in creating a secured financial corpus for the family in the case of life insured’s untimely demise. It helps in financial preparation of the life insured’s family for unplanned emergencies after the breadwinner passes away.

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Reasons to Buy Term Plan at A Young Age | Bajaj Allianz Life

Reasons to Consider a Term Plan for Young People

At the beginning of your career, you may choose to divert a chunk of your income towards investing for your personal goals. However, this may change once you start a family. Eventually, your partner and your children may become your priorities. This might lead you to first invest your income towards their safety and well-being. While making such investment you might consider opting for a term insurance plan for a family, like yours.

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Accidental Death Benefit in Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

Accidental Death Benefit in Term Insurance

Death remains an unpredictable fact for every human. Hence, you can only work towards a better tomorrow for yourself and your family and be prepared for the worst. The passing away of any family member is disheartening, and the case becomes even more serious if the only earning member of the family passes away. Due to the widespread recognition of this sorrow, there are certain life insurance plans designed to ensure financial stability for the family of the life insured in case of the life insured person’s unfortunate demise. A term insurance plan is one such plan. If a term insurance plan is not yet a part of your policy portfolio, you may consider buying one today.

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What is Increasing Term Insurance? | Bajaj Allianz Life

What is Increasing Term Insurance?

Term insurance plans are one of the tools of financial security. These plans help you secure your family’s financial needs in the face of unexpected contingencies. Moreover, there are different varieties of term insurance policies available in the market. One such policy is the increasing term plan. Let’s understand what the plan is all about.

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What is Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

What is Term Insurance?

A life insurance plan is an important part of the financial portfolio. The reason is simple. It provides financial security to the family in the absence of the breadwinner. Moreover, there are different types of life insurance plans that help you fulfil your financial goals and get financial security at the same time.

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Endowment Plan Tax Benefits | Bajaj Allianz Life

Things To Do After Buying Term Insurance

Buying term life insurance is one of the significant steps you may take to ensure the financial well-being of your family, in your absence. But does your responsibility to protect your family end there? Making the purchase of life insurance policy may seem to be the end of the process of getting a life cover, but it is also the first step in ensuring that your plan covers you well and your family gets the financial protection you want for them.

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Who Can Buy Group Term Life Insurance in India | Bajaj Allianz Life

Who Can Buy Group Term Life Insurance In India?

The provision of group term life insurance is made available to a group of people as a whole unit. For instance, if a certain employer wishes to buy insurance for his staff of one department in the company, he can offer employees a group term life insurance policy instead of individual policies for each person. This works out more cost-effective for employers as they have to pay premium which is considered depending on how large the group is. Typically, employers offer this to candidates joining an organisation as one of the ways to attract talent and retain the employees once they are employed.

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Free Cover Limit in Group Term Life Insurance Policy | Bajaj Allianz Life

Free Cover Limit In An Employer-Employee Group Term Life Insurance Policy

Companies offer several benefits to their employees when they join the company. Candidates may be drawn to an offer of employment due to significant benefit plans. These benefits also help employers to retain staff and maintain a suitable talent pool within the company. One of these incentives takes the form of Group Term Life (GTL) insurance. This has many advantages. Under employer-employee scheme, it offers the employer a way to cover a group of employees under a single policy. Additionally, it works out as an affordable way to provide coverage to employees.

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Term insurance: A Type of Life Insurance

Term Insurance: A Type Of Life Insurance

People may believe that a term insurance plan and a life insurance plan are the same. They might substitute one for the other in terms of meaning, coverage and benefits. However, this is not true. Term insurance is a type of Life insurance. Let’s explore.

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Know The List Of Medical Tests Required For Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

Know The List Of Medical Tests Required For Term Insurance

Term insurance plans provide coverage against premature death. As such, before the insurance company issues the plan, it assesses the mortality risk of the individual. This risk is determined by your health condition. As such, the insurer assesses your health to determine whether you are healthy or not. So, under various scenarios the insurance company would ask you to undergo a list of medical tests to assess your health, for eg; if you opt for a very high sum assured, if your age is high, or if you have declared an adverse medical condition in proposal form.

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How To Choose The Suitable Sum Assured For Your Term Plan | Bajaj Allianz Life

How To Choose The Suitable Sum Assured For Your Term Plan?

When you buy a term plan, you are looking for financial security for your family when you are not around. You might want to ensure that your family’s financial needs are taken care of in the case of your premature demise. While term plans do offer financial security, they prove worthwhile only if you choose the suitable sum assured. A suitable sum assured is one that might help your family meet their everyday expenses as well as financial goals.

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What is Staggered Payment Option Under Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

What Is Staggered Payment Option Under Term Insurance?

A term insurance plan pays out a death benefit if the insured dies during the policy tenure provided all due premiums are paid. The pay-out of the death benefit can be done in multiple ways. The usual pay-out mode is the lump sum mode wherein the sum assured is paid as lump sum on death. However, modern-day term plans have introduced the staggered pay-out option too. Let’s understand what the option is all about.

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What Happens To Your Term Insurance After Divorce | Bajaj Allianz Life

What Happens To Your Term Insurance After Divorce?

Marriages bring two people together, and it may be considered as an association where they share everything that they have. However, sometimes, a marriage doesn’t go as planned, and couples choose to separate.

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What Is 20-Year Term Life Insurance? | Features and Benefits | Bajaj Allianz Life

What Is 20-Year Term Life Insurance? Why You May Consider Buying One?

Financially insuring yourself against the increasing uncertainties of life is becoming one of the important aspect of financial planning. One of the affordable ways to do that is to buy term insurance. Every term life insurance policy has a specific period (or tenure) for which it provides coverage to the policyholder. Term plans are available in a variety of tenures, out of which, a 20-year period is one.

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30 Year Term Life Insurance: Features And Benefits | Bajaj Allianz Life

30 Year Term Life Insurance: Features And Benefits

The financial safety of your family is one of the responsibilities you undertake when you are the main earning member of your family. However, one cannot predict when an unfortunate event may strike the breadwinner and leave the family bereft of a regular income. Consider the fact that over 25,000 Indians have passed away each year in the last four years1 due to heart attacks, such a thought becomes even more alarming.

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Term Insurance With An Accidental Disability Rider: How Does It Work | Bajaj Allianz Life

Term Insurance With An Accidental Disability Rider: How Does It Work?

Premature death is a definite financial loss, especially if the breadwinner of the family passes away. That is why there are life insurance policies that cover the risk of premature death and give a financial benefit in such contingencies.

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Term Insurance For People Recovered From COVID-19 | Bajaj Allianz Life

Term Insurance For People Recovered From COVID-19

The global pandemic was a tough time for many. We either suffered the illness ourselves or saw close ones battle it. While some had it easy with their immune system strong enough to counter the attack, others even lost their lives. This sudden demise of a family member was not only emotional wrecking for the rest of them but was also financially challenging. This brought to the forefront the importance of considering term life insurance policies. However, for someone who recovered from Covid-19, availing of a term cover could be challenging. Here we discuss the nuances.

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Understanding 10 Year Term Insurance Plans | Bajaj Allianz Life

Understanding 10 Year Term Insurance Plans

Putting your family first is an approach taken by many when they want their spouse, parents, or children to live secure lives without hardships. But can you shield your loved ones from everything? From a practical viewpoint, it is not possible. So, while you can’t shield your family from every problem, big and small, it does not mean you cannot do anything to protect them. One way to offer financial protection to your family is by getting a life coverage for yourself. One of the affordable life insurance policies is a 10-year term insurance plan.

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What is 2 Crore Term Insurance: How It Works & Things To Consider | Bajaj Allianz Life

What is 2 Crore Term Insurance: How It Works & Things To Consider

Affordable life insurance is available through term insurance coverage. A term plan offers the insured person life insurance for a predetermined period. These insurances are typically relatively affordable because they don't give any investment benefits. One of the affordable life insurance options available are term policies.

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What If a Policyholder Starts Smoking After Buying a Term Plan? | Bajaj Allianz Life

What If a Policyholder Starts Smoking After Buying a Term Plan?

When you buy a term insurance plan, you are always asked a question in the proposal form – do you smoke? The answer to this question impacts your term insurance premium simply because of the fact – smoking increases your health risks.

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Short Term Insurance: Why You May Consider Rethinking It | Bajaj Allianz Life

Short Term Insurance: Why You May Consider Rethinking It

When it comes to buying term insurance plans, some may think that these plans are available for long tenures, like 20 years and above. But what if you are looking for a short-term term plan? Is it available?

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Benefits of Buying Term Insurance with Return of Premium | Bajaj Allianz Life

Benefits of Buying Term Insurance with Return of Premium

A term insurance policy is a pure protection policy. The main objective of the plan is financial security against premature death. If the insured dies during the policy tenure, the term plan gives financial assistance to the bereaved family, provided all due premiums are paid. This helps the family cope with the financial loss suffered in the absence of the breadwinner.

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Is Death by Heart Attack Covered by Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

Is Death by Heart Attack Covered by Term Insurance?

Heart-related diseases are becoming a rising concern in India, and deaths due to heart attacks have become a common occurrence. American research pointed out a 13% jump in sudden heart attacks among individuals aged in their mid-30s to mid-40s. Meanwhile, the Indian Heart Association stated that heart diseases tend to strike at earlier ages in India compared to other countries1.

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Do You Get Money Back After Term Life Insurance

Do You Get Money Back After Term Life Insurance?

Term insurance plans are protection-oriented plans that are known to pay no maturity benefit. However, this is not always the case. If you need a maturity benefit along with a comprehensive scope of protection, there are term plan options that you can explore. So, let’s understand.

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Meet Your Financial Goals For The New Year With Term Insurance| Bajaj Allianz Life

Meet Your Financial Goals For The New Year With Term Insurance

As the year comes to a close, we enter the period where we set new goals for the new year, and put new plans into places, to ensure that the next year will be better than the ones that have passed. Irrespective of the fact that whether or not one earns, one might consider setting financial goals for the new year.

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Why Should NRIs Prefer To Buy Term Insurance In India Rather Than Abroad

Why Should NRIs Prefer To Buy Term Insurance In India Rather Than Abroad?

Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) are Indians working abroad. Though NRIs live in foreign countries, they may prefer buying financial products in India. Buying term insurance in India is a common example.

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Why Should You Buy Critical Illness Cover after Buying a Term plan| Bajaj Allianz Life

Why Should You Buy Critical Illness Cover after Buying a Term plan?

When it comes to insurance in India, a term insurance plan is popular and one of the sought-after product. Further, if your term plan includes an add-on insurance cover like riders that provide additional protection, your life will be made easier. The base insurance plan comes with an optional rider, which can be opted, by paying extra nominal premium. You can choose the suitable rider which fulfils your needs.

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Effect of BMI on Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

Effect of BMI on Term Insurance

Health plays a crucial role in the calculation of your insurance premiums. It's a no-brainer that healthier individuals are less likely to fall ill or develop chronic illnesses that can shorten their lifespan. Hence, your lifestyle, occupation, prior illnesses, and family history all have a direct correlation to your insurance premiums. In fact, your insurer is likely to request a complete medical examination for you so they can evaluate your current health status. This is applicable to your BMI as well. But what exactly is BMI?

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Are the 20s Considered Early to Buy Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

Are the 20s Considered Early to Buy Term Insurance?

As life progresses, financial responsibilities start adding up. When you are young, you are relatively carefree but when you settle down, get married, and start a family, your financial needs multiply. In such situations, in the case of your premature demise, your dependents suffer a considerable financial loss. Thus, a term insurance plan may come to your family’s rescue as it helps in compensating them for the financial loss that they suffer.

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What Is Non-Linked Non-Participating Term Insurance?

What Is Non-Linked Non-Participating Term Insurance?

Linked life insurance plans are those that invest the premium in different types of market-linked securities/funds. There is only one plan which falls in this category which is a Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP). A ULIP invests in the market-linked funds and generates returns linked to the market performance.

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How Does Group Term Life Insurance Work | Bajaj Allianz Life

How Does Group Term Life Insurance Work?

Without question, employees of any organisation are considered the most precious assets. Employers feel a sense of responsibility for the well-being of their staff, and this sentiment extends to families of employees too. In the unfortunate case of an employee’s accidental demise, the employee’s family is adversely affected, both mentally and financially. Such a case becomes even worse if the employee was the sole breadwinner of the household.

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Types of Death Covered and Not Covered By Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

Types of Death Covered and Not Covered By Term Insurance

Ask this question, and the primary reason that would come to mind would be comprehensive coverage. Term plans cover death of the life insured during the policy tenure provided all due premiums are paid. They promise a guaranteed term insurance benefit that helps you secure your family’s finances in your absence. The plan gives you mental peace in the event of unfortunate incidents. But does the plan guarantee a death benefit in all types of deaths?

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alt="What Should Be Done If The Nominee Of Your Term Insurance Is No More | Bajaj Allianz Life"

What Should Be Done If The Nominee Of Your Term Insurance Is No More?

In a term insurance plan, if the insured dies during the policy tenure, a guaranteed* benefit is paid to the family. But who receives the benefit in the absence of the life insured? The policyholder or the nominee? There might be confusion in understanding who is entitled to receive the death benefit from a term insurance policy. While many of you must know that the nominee receives the benefit, there is an option for the policyholder too. Moreover, legal heirs can also make a claim for the death benefit. So, let’s understand.

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Term Life Insurance Tax Benefits: The Complete Guide | Bajaj Allianz Life

Term Life Insurance Tax Benefits: The Complete Guide

Life is unpredictable. While everything can be fine one day, the other day might bring in unspeakable losses. You cannot predict what challenges life will bring. You can, however, make provisions to meet unforeseen situations. A term insurance plan is one such provision which takes care of your family financially in your absence.

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Gift Your Wife a Term Insurance Policy This Karwa Chauth | Bajaj Allianz Life

Gift Your Wife a Term Insurance Policy This Karwa Chauth

Karwa Chauth is round the corner. A special tradition observed all over India where wives observe a fast for their husband’s long life.2

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How to Select Riders Effectively for your Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

How to Select Riders Effectively for your Term Insurance?

Term insurance also called pure insurance cover, is one of the efficient and economical way to cover your financial risks. Being one of the affordable forms of insurance, it offers a hedge against prominent risks, namely life risk. To enable one to build comprehensive insurance, a variety of riders are available, which further strengthens the effectiveness of the term insurance policy. These riders can be availed by paying a small extra premium.

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Benefits of group term life insurance plans | Bajaj Allianz Life

Life Events That May Make You Review Your Term Insurance

Life is a journey; along this journey, you face various milestones that give your life a new direction. When buying a term insurance plan, you might assess your financial needs when choosing the sum assured. However, these needs don’t remain constant. As your life stage changes, your financial needs change too. That is why reviewing your term insurance plan at regular intervals is imperative. This review helps you assess whether the coverage is sufficient or not. Moreover, a review becomes all the more relevant after every major life event because the event might increase the coverage requirement.

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Life Events That May Make You Review Your Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

Benefits Of Group Term Life Insurance Plans

A term life insurance policy helps you secure your family’s financial future in the case of any unforeseen contingency. The plan provides financial assistance to your family in your absence, helping them maintain their lifestyle and also fulfilling their financial goals.

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Short-Term Insurance - All you need to Know | Bajaj Allianz Life

Short-Term Insurance - All You Need To Know

A term insurance plan fulfills the basic goal of protecting your family in case something untoward happens to you. It helps you be prepared for any uncertainties that may crop up later in life. And the coverage offered by a term insurance plan is typically valid for a specified period, as mentioned in the terms and conditions of the policy.

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Group Term Insurance Eligibility Criteria And Conditions | Bajaj Allianz Life

What are the Conditions for a New Employee to be covered under Group Term Life Insurance of the Employer?

When new employees join a company, employers offer group term life insurance as a benefit. The policy gives employees assurances that in the event of the unfortunate demise of employees, during the course of employment, beneficiaries (families) of employees will remain financially secure. There exist certain conditions of coverage under a group term insurance policy when an employee is new.

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Buying A Term Plan For Tax Saving? Avoid These Costly Mistakes | Bajaj Allianz Life

Buying A Term Plan For Tax Saving? Avoid These Costly Mistakes

When you decide to buy life insurance, it should be a conscious choice based on your requirements and what your individual plan can offer you. Moreover, it is important to understand, at the outset, that life insurance may not be purchased as a quick solution to save yourself tax. This may defeat the very purpose for which you are buying life insurance, which is essentially to give your family financial security.

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Checklist for Newlyweds: Term Insurance Plan | Bajaj Allianz Life

Checklist for Newlyweds: Term Insurance Plan

When you tie the knot, you enter into a completely new chapter of your life with your loved one. As you start your newly engaged journey together, you’ll likely spend weeks or even months planning the perfect wedding to engrave these memories in your hearts. One of the common responsibility that comes with reaching this life stage is planning your finances.

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Choosing The Right Group Term Insurance For Employees | Bajaj Allianz Life

Choosing The Right Group Term Insurance For Employees

Employees are the greatest assets of an organisation. While companies work hard to improve their work cultures and employee benefit packages, extending a group term life insurance policy remains a fruitful way of securing such valuable assets. Group term insurance is not just one of the ways to boost the productivity of your employees, but it is an actual safety net that can help secure the financial future of their families.

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Ukraine-Russia War: Does Term Insurance Cover You In War? | Bajaj Allianz Life

Ukraine-Russia War: Does Term Insurance Cover You In War?

The Ukraine-Russia conflict has already claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians, including few Indian. Many customers who have a term insurance policy with an Indian insurance company want to know whether their policies would pay out if an insured person dies in such a circumstance.

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Term Insurance Nomination Related FAQs | Bajaj Allianz Life

What happens if the nominee dies before the policyholder in term insurance? - Nomination Related FAQs

By choosing a nominee for your term insurance plan, you ensure that after your demise, the death benefit pay-out from the policy reaches the people it was intended for. While this basic benefit of nomination in insurance is well-known, there are quite a few grey areas that still need to be clarified for the benefit of the policyholder. To help you understand these aspects better, in this article, we cover some of the most important term insurance FAQs related to the nomination process.

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Why is a Simple Term Insurance better than a Loan Protection Plan | Bajaj Allianz Life

Why is a Simple Term Insurance better than a Loan Protection Plan?

Although most financial advisers suggest choosing a term plan that is substantial enough to provide financial support to family, insurance companies also offer loan protection plans that are meant to care for outstanding loans in case of unforeseen circumstances. As per the loan schedule which is determined at the time of buying the policy, a loan insurance plan covers the balance that is remaining in case of the loanee’s death.

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Benefits of Saral Jeevan Bima Plan | Bajaj Allianz Life

Benefits of Saral Jeevan Bima Plan

Life has become unpredictable in many ways, especially during the last few years. Therefore, the demand for pure term life insurance plans has increased. Individuals must find ways to guarantee the financial security of loved ones should any unforeseen circumstances take place. Infact, in light of current illnesses and diseases taking sway, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has issued a directive to the effect that all insurance companies must provide for a standard policy of term life insurance known as Saral Jeevan Bima . Of course, standardised rules and regulations will apply to this. The terms and conditions, and guidelines of the policy, have been made clear. Consequently, it is easy for the insurance purchaser to understand what the policy entails and make an educated and informed decision.

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Can You Change the Smoking Status of Your Term Insurance | Bajaj Allianz Life

Is Any Change In Smoking Status Permitted In Term Insurance?

Although smoking and insurance don't go together, knowing their relationship can help you discover how tobacco use impacts your finances. Many insurers have established that smoking can increase the cost of your premiums for insurance and that you’ll most probably get lower premiums if you don’t smoke or use other substances. After all, your life expectancy is the basis upon which your life insurance premiums are calculated.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Saral Jeevan Bima | Bajaj Allianz Life

Frequently Asked Questions About Saral Jeevan Bima

When it comes to the financial security of your loved ones, there should be no compromise. We are living in times that are, to say the least, uncertain. In the past few years, the world has experienced the unpredictability of life, and it should be the priority of any individual to financially safeguard their loved ones’ future if that individual is no more. Saral Jeevan Bima offers a solution that is straightforward and simple for any potential policyholder. In fact, this simplicity of guidelines and terms and conditions has made this a popular insurance product to avail of. This is a pure term life insurance plan. The plan gives nominees a death benefit if the policyholder passes away during the policy tenure.

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Know All About Term Life Insurance | Term Blog

Everything You Need To Know About A Term Life Insurance

Are you considering purchasing an online term insurance? Do you understand how it operates or what the policy term entails? If the second question leaves you perplexed, and you're not sure what a “policy” word is, you should study it before purchasing life insurance. The policy term refers to the amount of time that a term life insurance policy is valid, and if the insured passes away within that time, their beneficiaries are entitled to receive the stipulated value.

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Advantages of having Multiple Term Insurance Plans

What are the Advantages of having Multiple Term Insurance Plans?

Term insurance is an insurance plan which assures that a policyholder's dependents and family members are financially secure even after the policyholder's death.

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Term Insurance Trends You Must Know

Term Insurance Trends You Must Know

The insurance industry has been heavily impacted by the pandemic, and we can see its influences in new trends that have helped the industry adapt to the new normal. More people are buying life insurance and term insurance plans as a way of safeguarding themselves against risk, uncertainty, and financial crisis. With the change in the insurance sector, here are key term insurance trends worth acknowledging.

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8 Lesser-Known Facts about Term Insurance

8 Lesser-Known Facts about Term Insurance

We all want what’s best for the people we love. A life insurance policy helps people achieve this goal, even in their absence. Among the various types of insurance policies available in the market, term insurance plans happen to be one of the most popular choices due to their affordability. With a term plan, you can opt for the maximum sum assured against relatively low premium rates. This makes them popular life cover options for people.

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Reasons Why Term Insurance Is A Good Idea

Reasons Why People Think Term Insurance Is Not A Smart Idea, And Why They May Be Wrong!

Life is unpredictable, and no one can predict what the future holds. Hence, you may want to consider getting a term insurance policy to ensure that your family is financially secure in your absence. Term life insurance plans are the basic, affordable, and simple to purchase life insurance policies that cover your family's financial future.

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Why Is There A Surge in Term Insurance Premiums?

Why Is There A Surge in Term Insurance Premiums?

Thanks to low premiums, a term insurance policy has always been the affordable life insurance policy in India. Since it is a pure protection plan, you can get a large life cover of around Rs. 1 crore or more at affordable premiums.

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Should You Choose A Rider while Buying A Term Plan?

Should You Choose A Rider while Buying A Term Plan?

A term plan helps ensure the financial stability of your family members even in your absence. From meeting regular expenses to fulfilling important life goals like your children’s education, a term plan takes care of it all. By investing in a term plan, you essentially invest in safeguarding the financial future of your family.

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Guide to Investing in Term Plans And Money Back Life Insurance Plans

Guide To Investing In Term Plans And Money Back Life Insurance Plans

A family's financial success over time might quickly be wiped away if a tragic event occurs, such as the loss of the main earner. There are life insurance policies available to address such concerns and safeguard the financial security of your loved ones. Life insurance is an essential instrument for providing complete financial protection against unforeseen events.

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How to increase your Term Insurance Cover Amount?

How to increase your Term Insurance Cover Amount?

Your financial demands, like your life, are continuously changing. You may always enhance the sum assured if you bought an online term plan early in life and recognized over time that your loved ones need greater financial protection. As you become older, your duties grow, and you may wish to provide more protection to your family while you're away.

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Term Insurance: Limited Payout vs Regular Payout

Term Insurance: Limited Payout vs Regular Payout

A term insurance plan is a contract between an insured and an insurer, where the policyholder is provided with a life cover or sum assured. In the case of the policyholder’s death during the term of the policy, the sum assured is provided to the nominee. In the case of surviving the policy term, the policyholder doesn’t receive any maturity, unless he/she opted for Return of Premium (ROP) plan. Term insurance plan can provide your family a financial safety net and is much required for protecting the financial future of your family. But to receive the life cover, a policyholder has to make periodic payments to the insurance company. This is known as a term insurance premium.

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Can You Extend The Tenure of Your Term Plan?

Can You Extend The Tenure of Your Term Plan?

Purchasing a term life insurance plan is one of the preferred ways to secure the financial future of your family. It allows you to take care of your family’s needs and life goals even when you’re not around. That said, a term insurance policy is only valid for a certain period of time, known as the policy term . You have the freedom to choose the tenure of the plan at the time of purchase itself.

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Important Term Insurance Terminologies Explained

Important Term Insurance Terminologies Explained

Term insurance is a kind of life insurance that provides financial protection to your family for a specified period or term. Hence the name ‘term insurance.’ A term insurance plan is a pure life cover, meaning that it offers only death benefits. These benefits are paid out to the nominee if the insured person passes away during the policy term. In return for this coverage, the insurance provider charges a premium.

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What Happens When Your Term Insurance Expires?

What Happens When Your Term Insurance Expires?

A term life insurance plan provides your family with some much-needed financial support even when you’re not there. Whatever your family’s life goals may be, an adequate term insurance plan can help satisfy them. That’s why it is absolutely essential to ensure that your term insurance remains active at all times. Letting it expire can put your family at a huge risk. Wondering what would happen if your term plan expires? Let’s take a look.

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How to Ensure a Hassle-Free Claim Settlement with your Term Insurance?

How to Ensure a Hassle-Free Claim Settlement with your Term Insurance?

When it comes to protecting your family’s financial future, Term Insurance Plans are easily one of the preferred option available to you. Since your family’s financial situation is dependent on term insurance, getting certain things right is absolutely essential to ensure that they don’t face any roadblocks during the term insurance claim settlement process.

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5 things to consider before buying a term insurance plan

5 Things to Consider Before Buying a Term Insurance Plan

Life is so uncertain. You never know what can happen. While it may not be possible to predict all of life’s uncertainties, there’s something that you can very well do - account for them. But how, you ask? With the help of a term life insurance plan, of course. It provides your family with a financial backup when you’re not around to take care of them. That’s not all. Thanks to online term plans, investing in term insurance is now easier than ever too. You can protect your family with just a few clicks.

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What is Level Term Insurance?

What is Level Term Insurance?

Term insurance is one of the most affordable kind of life insurance available in the market. It is also extremely simple and easy to understand, even if you are new to the world of insurance. A term insurance plan works by offering you a life cover in exchange for a term insurance premium.

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Reasons you need Term Insurance if you are Self Employed

Reasons you need Term Insurance if you are Self Employed

A term insurance plan is one of the most affordable ways through which you can financially protect your family. But then, ‘what is a term plan?’ It is basically a contract that an insurance provider and an individual enter into. According to the contract, the insurer provides a predetermined sum of money as life cover to the individual for a specific period of time. And the individual, in exchange for this life cover, would have to pay certain sums of money periodically to the insurance provider in the form of premiums.

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What is Renewable Term Life Insurance

What is Renewable Term Life Insurance?

Renewable term plans are nothing but regular premium a term plans. There are many types of term insurance plans available for you to choose from. Many first-time buyers are not aware of the different kinds of term plans, and often make a choice that is less than optimal for their needs. One way to ensure that you make the most of your term plan is to use a term insurance calculator to figure out the amount of coverage you need. That way, you can secure your family adequately.

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How to hike your Term Insurance Policy Coverage after buying it?

How to hike your Term Insurance Policy Coverage after buying it?

Term insurance offers financial protection to the surviving members of the family in case the primary or the sole breadwinner passes away. Today, you can even purchase term insurance from the comfort of your home. The term insurance coverage that this kind of policy offers is valid for a specified period known as the policy term. In return for the term insurance coverage offered, the policyholder needs to pay premiums to the insurance provider regularly.

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Why is the Renewal of your Term Insurance Plan Important?

Why is the Renewal of your Term Insurance Plan Important?

You plan and take appropriate efforts, such as saving and investing your money in the correct channels, to reduce various risks in life and protect yourself and your family from financial problems. In this light, term life insurance is a wise investment that attempts to protect your family financially if you are unable to do so due to some unfortunate event.

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Is Term Insurance an investment or expense?

Is Term Insurance an investment or expense?

A term insurance plan is a kind of pure life cover that is relatively more affordable than other types of life insurance. When you purchase a term insurance plan, you give your family the benefit of a long-term financial safety net. In case something untoward happens to you, the life insurance provider pays out death benefits to your nominee. In return for this life cover, all you need to do is periodically pay your insurer the premiums as specified in the policy you purchased.

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Can You Buy a Term Insurance for Your Family?

Can you buy a Term Insurance for your Family?

Term life insurance is a pure protection plan that offers a life cover to the insured person. This life cover is valid for a specific period, known as the policy term. In case the person passes away during the policy term, the insurer pays death benefits to the nominee mentioned under the plan.

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Do I Need Term Insurance if I Don't Have Any Dependents?

Do I need Term Insurance if I don't have any dependents?

While considering different types of life insurance plans, you could have wondered what is term plan? Among the life insurance plans available in the market, term insurance is one of the simplest and most affordable plans. A term plan provides you with a life cover and to receive this,you have to make premium payments to the Insurance Provider. As the name suggests, the term plan is valid for a specified period. This is also called a policy term. If the policyholder passes away during the policy term, the insurance service provider will provide the sum assured as the death benefit to the nominees. However, if a policyholder survives the policy term, no benefits will be paid except in cases where term plan is available with option of return of premium on maturity.

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Will Term Insurance Cover Me for Health-related Expenses?

Will term insurance cover me for health-related expenses?

A term insurance plan is designed to offer your family a financial safety net in the event of an unfortunate incident. While it may provide a death benefit to the policyholder’s nominees upon the said individual’s demise, will it cover health-related expenses as well? If this question is on your mind, then here’s something that can help clear it out. But before we go ahead, let’s quickly run through the concept of term insurance.

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Why Should a Non-Working Spouse Get Term Insurance?

Why should a Non-Working Spouse get Term Insurance?

People often tend to think of term insurance as a product that a family’s breadwinner needs to purchase. The logic behind this assumption is that in case something untoward happens to the earning member of the family, the term insurance benefits can help the surviving family members tide over the resulting financial crunch. This is certainly true. However, it is only one half of the picture.

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Why buy an Income Replacement Term Plan?

Why buy an Income Replacement Term Plan?

Life is unpredictable, and when you least expect it, an emergency may result in a financial crisis for yourself and your family. Some things may be beyond your control but ensuring your family’s financial security is certainly not one of them. You can protect your family’s financial future with a term insurance policy.

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title="Tips to find a Term Insurance for Senior Citizens - 2021"

Tips to find a Term Insurance for Senior Citizens in India - 2021

Term insurance benefits include a financial safety net, peace of mind, as well as term insurance tax benefits for the policyholder. It is generally advisable to purchase a term plan when you are young, because the premiums are lower and more affordable. Today, with the rise in popularity of online term insurance, you can even purchase your term plan online

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Has your term insurance kept up with your growing needs?

Has your term insurance kept up with your growing needs?

Dealing with life’s uncertainties can be quite challenging. And while an emergency fund can get you through the minor things, you need something better to help you tide over life’s bigger uncertainties. That something is term insurance. Today, you can secure your future and your family’s from the comfort of your own home, thanks to online term insurance.

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Can You Buy A Term Insurance For a Differently Abled Person

Can You Buy A Term Insurance For a Differently Abled Person?

A term insurance policy is a type of life insurance provided by an insurance company. In exchange for a financial safety net, the insured and the insurer engage into a contract in which the policyholder agrees to pay a premium as one time or regular premium payments. If the policyholder dies before the policy's term expires, the death benefits promised by the term insurance plan are paid to the beneficiary or nominee.

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Benefits of using a Term Insurance Calculator

Benefits of using a term insurance calculator – Know why you should use one!

If you’re one of those individuals who are looking for an answer to the question ‘what is term insurance?’, here's something that can help you understand the concept.

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5 reasons to buy term insurance in your 50s

5 Reasons to buy Term Insurance in your 50s – Know Why!

Your loved ones' existence is dependent on your income, you must ensure their financial security while you are away. And term life insurance is one of the most preferred tools for ensuring your family's financial security. As a result, you'll need to know what term insurance is and how it works.

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Know why it's important you renew your Term Insurance!

Know why it's important you renew your Term Insurance!

Despite their increasing popularity, many people still have questions like ‘what is a term plan?’ So, let’s start off by addressing this query. A term plan, also known as a term insurance plan, is one of the affordable ways to ensure that your family stays protected financially. It is basically a contract between an individual, known as the policyholder, and an insurance service provider.

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Difference between Term Insurance & Personal Accident Insurance

Term Insurance Vs. Personal Accident Insurance – Know The Difference!

It’s not possible to predict when life may throw some unexpected emergency your way. And while there’s not much you can do about it, having a life insurance plan backing you up can be very helpful. Life insurance protects your family and helps ensure that they are financially well-equipped to protect their life goals.

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Term Insurance Benefits for Nominees

Term Insurance Benefits for Nominees

Nomination is one of the many term insurance benefits that you can take advantage of when you purchase a term insurance plan. In fact, it is crucial to the core idea of term insurance itself, because the very purpose of purchasing a term plan is to ensure that the financial benefits offered under the policy protect your dependents. So, they will receive the benefits if you nominate them under the term insurance plan.

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Types of Term Insurance Premium Payment Options

Types of Term Insurance Premium Payment Options

A term plan is a beneficial product that allows you to financially secure your family’s future. In addition to protecting your family, it also gives you some much needed peace of mind.

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Duration of Term Insurance Plan

What should be the Duration of my Term Insurance Plan?

When it comes to protecting your future and securing the finances of your loved ones, life insurance is one of the preferred financial products available in the market. And term insurance plans, in particular, can be beneficial for people looking for affordable ways to secure their future. Wondering what term insurance is? And unsure of what the duration of your term policy should be?

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Regular Premium Term Insurance Plan Explained

Regular Premium Term Insurance Plan Explained

Life’s uncertainties can turn up when you least expect them. And while it is not easy to predict what emergency may crop up when, it certainly is easy to be prepared for such situations. If you’re wondering how this is possible, the answer lies in term insurance. It’s affordable, it offers a large life cover with several other optional benefits, and it can be customized as per your needs.

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Term insurance premium

Term Insurance Premium – Know All About It

Rising costs of living have made the process of living itself a rather expensive process. These daily costs interspersed with high healthcare costs aren’t necessarily surprising but are a tough pill to swallow, nonetheless. By armouring themselves with a layer of financial protection, individuals can award themselves with financial coverage should they need it. One form of financial protection that may be considered is term insurance. This form of insurance is easy to buy as it is available on the internet. There exist several tools aimed at making the selection process for the appropriate form of term insurance easier.

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Individual vs group term life insurance

Individual vs Group Term Life Insurance Explained

Advancements made to society have meant that there have been corresponding advances made in the collective standard of living that individuals are awarded with. These positive changes have been accompanied by ever-increasing daily expenses. Healthcare too has skyrocketed in terms of prices commanded and off shooting these expenses is no easy task. In order to provide your loved ones with some amount of financial protection, individuals are advised to invest in a term insurance plan. This form of insurance provides their loved ones with sufficient coverage should they need it in the future.

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Which term insurance plan suits your age

Which Term Insurance Plan Suits Your Age?

The present times we live in are saddled with uncertainty. Medical care is expensive, and the Coronavirus pandemic has further compounded these expenses. Individuals should avail themselves of financial security in the form of term insurance such that their loved ones can be secured.

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Is term insurance payout taxable

Types Of Term Insurance Payout Options Explained

As the collective standard of living of society has risen, so have expenses involved in maintaining this very lifestyle. Accompanying this is the ever-rising costs associated with healthcare. These are uncertain times we are presently living in. The 2nd wave of the Coronavirus pandemic which has taken the country by storm has only compounded the sense of uncertainty faced by all presently. By availing of a form of financial protection, individuals can have some form of coverage should the need arise. Term insurance plans are therefore viable as they seek to provide insured individuals with a financial safety net.

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Is term insurance payout taxable

Is Term Insurance Payout Taxable?

Financial protection is vital during these uncertain times. By availing of term insurance, individuals provide themselves and their families with a layer of financial security which can go a long way in serving and safeguarding them. Operating as a form of life insurance, there are a lot of misconceptions pertaining to tax policies that surround term insurance. Making oneself aware of all that term insurance and associated tax policies entail is prudent. This ensures no confusion in the future and term insurance tax benefits can then be taken advantage of in an appropriate fashion.

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How to pay your term insurance premium

How To Pay Your Term Insurance Premium

Healthcare prices have been increasing for the past few years and the general standard of living one affords oneself with has begun to cost more and more money over the past few years. The Coronavirus pandemic has only made these expenses more pronounced. People are advised to avail of a layer of financial protection such that they have some financial security for themselves as well as for their family.

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How term insurance calculator works

How Term Insurance Calculator Works

These are unprecedented times we are living in and there are no guarantees as to how life will pan out. The 2nd wave of the Coronavirus pandemic presently plaguing the country has compounded this fact. Availability of financial security at this moment in time is a prudent move as it provides you and your family with a layer of protection. Term insurance is one such form of financial protection one can consider for securing their family financially.

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What is Coronavirus Term Insurance

Covid Term Plan: What is Coronavirus Term Insurance?

The coronavirus outbreak has turned the attention of consumers towards insurance and insurance products. Unexpectedly, the outbreak grew into a full-fledged pandemic that brought life to a halt over most 0f 2020, and for a major part of 2021 so far.

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Income tax sections with term insurance tax benefits

List Of Income Tax Sections Under Which You Can Get Term Insurance Tax Benefits

A term insurance policy is one of the most affordable ways to secure the financial future of your family and ensure that their life goals remain unaffected. When you purchase a term insurance plan, you are essentially buying a life cover for a specified period.

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Does term insurance cover disability?

Does Term Insurance Cover Disability?

Purchasing a term insurance policy is one of the preferred ways to protect your family from the uncertainties of life. Not only is it easy enough to do, but is also very cost-effective. That said, many tend to equate term insurance benefits with something that is connected only with the death of the insured. However, that is simply not the case. There are several term life insurance plans that also cover other contingencies like accidents or disabilities suffered by the insured.

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Can I claim multiple term insurance plans

Claim Multiple Term Insurance Plans – Is It Possible?

Term insurance is the protection that you can secure not just for yourself but also to make sure that your family is cared for. As you start working your first job, it is vital that you design your life goals in a manner where you are able to set aside specific funds where your life goals can be met, especially to care for your family.

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Term insurance tax benefits on riders

Term Insurance Tax Benefits On Riders

While it is common knowledge that a term life insurance plan acts as a financial cushion for your family during an adverse event, not many are aware of the various term insurance tax benefits that come along with it. Surprised? Yes, term insurance plans offer several tax benefits to you. That is not all. Even the riders that term plans offer provide you with an avenue to reduce your overall tax liability. Wish to find out more? Then continue reading.

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Why it is safe to buy term insurance online

Is It Safe To Buy Term Insurance Online?

If you are planning to buy a term plan online but are nervous about how safe it is, this article is for you. In answer to the question, yes — it is safe to purchase an online term plan. When you are opting for a term insurance policy online, you have the option to log onto the insurance company’s website directly, browse through the variety of plans they offer, and choose the one that suits your requirements. Such websites also ensure that the transactions are protected and your personal details are secure.

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When to review term insurance coverage

6 Life Events When You Should Review Your Term Insurance Coverage

Life can throw unexpected incidents your way when you least expect it. Some may be welcome changes, while others may not. For the unexpected unfortunate incidents, what you need is a financial safety net that can help you and your family to tide over the tough times. The most affordable way to put such a safety net in place is to purchase term life insurance.

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Conditions for term insurance tax deductions and exemptions

Conditions for term insurance tax deductions and exemptions

Perhaps you are already aware of the term insurance meaning and that it provides your family with a financial safety net in the event of your untimely demise. However, did you know that a term insurance plan could also help you save tax? That is right. Here is some more information regarding term insurance tax exemptions.

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Tax benefits and refund details about term insurance

Tax Benefits And Refund Details About Term Insurance

A term life insurance plan is one of the preferred investment option, since it provides your family with a protective life cover that can help them carry on with meeting their life goals even when you are not around. That said many potential buyers of insurance tend to wonder - "Is term insurance tax free?"

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Why you shouldn’t surrender your term policy

Why You Shouldn’t Surrender Your Term Policy

Of the myriad of insurance options out on the market, a term insurance policy is probably the most affordable way to secure your loved ones. When you choose to buy term insurance online or offline, whomever you select as your nominee becomes eligible to receive a death benefit that can help them lead a stable lifestyle in your absence. Additionally, due to the lack of benefits on its maturity, pure term insurance also permits lower premium payments.

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Why you shouldn’t surrender your term policy

Limited Premium Payment Term In Term Insurance

Of the myriad of insurance options out on the market, a term insurance policy is probably the most affordable way to secure your loved ones. When you choose to buy term insurance online or offline, whomever you select as your nominee becomes eligible to receive a death benefit that can help them lead a stable lifestyle in your absence. Additionally, due to the lack of benefits on its maturity, pure term insurance also permits lower premium payments.

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How term insurance secures your family

5 Ways In Which Term Insurance Secures Your Family

Term insurance plans in India are amongst one of the most affordable ways to secure oneself and one’s family from the unforeseen loss of the financial provider in the family.

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Why you should renew your term policy on time

Why You Should Renew Your Term Policy On Time

A term insurance plan or term policy is an insurance plan where one can, at affordable premiums, cover themselves and their dependents against financial uncertainties in case the policyholder passes away during the tenure of the policy. At a relatively low premium, term plans offer substantial coverage to policyholders. However, it is crucial to keep in mind the difference between traditional life insurance and term insurance. In the latter, if you were to live out your entire policy’s term, there is no benefit offered at maturity.

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Term insurance grace period

Term Insurance Grace Period Explained

Amongst the myriad of insurance options out on the market, a term insurance policy is probably one of the most affordable ways to secure your loved ones. When you choose term insurance plans, your nominee becomes eligible to receive a death benefit that could help them lead a stable lifestyle in case anything uncertain were to happen to the life assured.

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Online term plan vs offline term insurance

Difference Between Offline And Online Term Plans

Life’s uncertainties can often derail carefully laid plans. However, if you are looking for a solution to ensure that even in the face of uncertain circumstances, your loved ones can continue to live comfortably and achieve their life goals, you can always buy term insurance and secure your family’s financial future. If you are wondering about "What is term plan?" or "How to buy term insurance?" here is everything you need to know about offline and online term plans.

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Term insurance claim rejection reasons

Top 5 Reasons For Term Insurance Claim Rejection

If there is one thing everybody universally wants, it is to ensure that their loved ones do not suffer any financial burden even if they are no longer around. In case you are the primary breadwinner in your family, you will no doubt agree that if you had the option to ensure that your debts or your liabilities do not burden your family, and that they can continue to achieve their life goals as per the plan even in your absence, you will no doubt grab the opportunity.

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Guaranteed term life insurance

Guaranteed Term Life Insurance Explained

Investing in a term policy is one of the preferred ways to protect your family from financial troubles after your death. That is not all. There is absolutely no dearth of options and variations when it comes to term plans and they are very much customizable according to your needs and requirements. If you are wondering, what it is, continue reading to find out more about guaranteed life insurance plans.

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Term insurance with lump sum payout

Lump Sum Payout In Term Insurance

Term insurance is one of the preferred investment option to protect a family from the after effects of unpredictable events like the sudden and untimely death of an earning member. It keeps your family from going into financial distress arising out of loss of income.

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How to ensure your term insurance policy never lapses

How To Ensure Your Term Insurance Policy Never Lapses

As we all know it, life can be quite unpredictable. A crisis might just be around the corner and you may not know it. That is why it is extremely important to account for unforeseen contingencies and crises. One of ways to do that is through a term insurance plan. It can help keep your family protected even in the event of an unforeseen or untoward incident.

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Does term insurance cover natural death

Does Term Insurance Cover Natural Death?

In the event of your premature death, a term insurance plan is one of the preferred ways to protect your family from financial stress. One of the major term insurance benefits lies in the fact that it offers your family the financial assistance needed to achieve their life’s goals and objectives. However, does term insurance cover natural death? If this question is something that is running on your mind, here is some information that can help you out.

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Term insurance for single parents

How Much Term Insurance Do Single Parents Need?

Life insurance is one of the essential financial products for anybody who has any dependents. Young people with retired, aged parents who rely on them for their financial needs, working people with non-working spouses, and parents with children who are in school or college - all of these people may rely on life covers to ensure that their dependents are not left financially weak in case anything untoward happens to the earning member of the family.

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Why term insurance has low premiums

Why Term Insurance Has Low Premiums

Securing the future of your loved ones is undoubtedly on your priority list. While there are many ways to go about doing this, purchasing life insurance is one of the preferred ways to ensure that even in your absence, your family has the financial resources necessary to carry on and keep up with their life goals. Now, if you’ve have ever looked around for life insurance plans and compared the policies from different life insurance service providers, you would have no doubt come across term insurance plans.

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Joint term insurance vs separate term plans

Joint Term Insurance Or Separate Term Plans?

Life is uncertain and there is no way any of us can predict what the next will bring with it. Amidst all of this uncertainty, you will no doubt want to do everything in your power to safeguard the future and the needs of your family. One of the surest ways to do this is to buy a life insurance cover for yourself and for your family. That way, in case anything untoward happens to any of the breadwinners of the family, the surviving members will have a financial safety net to fall back on.

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Best Term Insurance for Cancer Patients

How To Buy Term Insurance Plan For A Cancer Patient

Cancer is a disease that can put families under tremendous physical, mental, and financial stress. Considering the brutal nature of this disease, it is of utmost importance for a family to buy term insurance to keep themselves financially protected. But then, does term insurance cover cancer?

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Term insurance vs health insurance

Know The Difference Between Term Insurance And Health Insurance

Many people remain unaware of the various insurance products and their benefits. When it comes to financially securing the future of your family, insurance products are one of the preferred investment cum insurance options available in the market right now. Most individuals have a hard time trying to understand the term insurance vs. health insurance concept. In fact, people may think they are the same. However, they are two distinct insurance products with different benefits and use cases. Here is an in-depth look into these two popular types of insurances.

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Term insurance buying guide

Term Insurance Buying Guide

When it comes to safeguarding yourself and your family against the uncertainties of life, there is little you can do. Life insurance, however, is one way to ensure that your loved ones can remain on the right track to fulfil your life goals even in your absence. Term insurance, which is the most affordable kind of life insurance, is a preferred choice for people looking for a purely protective cover. If you are unsure of how to get started and buy term insurance online or offline, this guide can help you out. To make things clear, let us begin with one of the most fundamental things you should know - term plan meaning.

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Pure term insurance plan

What Are Pure Term Insurance Plans?

If you’re looking for an affordable and fool-proof way to secure the future of your family in case something unexpected and untoward were to happen to you, a life insurance cover is one of the preferred solution for your needs. There is a plethora of choices available in the market today, and people looking for life insurance have a variety of policies and plans to choose from. Right from the level of coverage and the premium payment options to the additional riders and pay-out benefits, there are varied choices to make.

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Cheapest term insurance

Is Cheapest Term Insurance The Best?

Safety is something we tend to naturally prioritize in life. Right from locking our doors every night to using seat belts before heading out for a drive, we do all we can to remain safe. If you wish to extend this regard for safety to your family and loved ones, insurance is one of the ideal product to look for. Life is no doubt uncertain, and in case something untoward were to happen to you, insurance can help your family carry on without any financial stress even in your absence.

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Compare term plans

How To Compare Term Plans

Life can be uncertain when you least expect it to. While there are some things that you can predict or foresee, other emergencies may occur all of a sudden, in an unexpected manner. This is why it is always a good idea to be prepared for contingencies as much as possible. Insurance is a financial product that can help you fulfil this goal. Term insurance, which is the most affordable form of life insurance, is one of the preferred options for people keen on securing their financial future.

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Term insurance with money back

Term Insurance With Money Back – Yes, It Is Possible

Term insurance is the purest form of life insurance. It is essentially a type of a life insurance policy that provides the nominees or beneficiaries a death benefit in the event of the policyholder’s demise. In exchange for the life insurance cover, the policyholder is required to make regular payments known as "premiums" to the insurance company.

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What happens when term policy expires

What To Do When Your Term Insurance Policy Expires

Life takes many twists and turns, some expected, and some, quite unexpected. If the unexpected occurrences add value to your life, they are pleasant and easy to welcome. However, what if something untoward happens unexpectedly? In that case, it is important to have a financial safety net that can keep your loved ones secure and safe financially, and help them fulfil their life goals as per their original plan. Here is where a term policy appears. With term insurance in your financial portfolio, you can be rest assured that your family’s life goals - like the education of your children or the dream of your loved ones to live in their own home - remains on track and are fulfilled as per plan, even in your absence.

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Renewable Term Insurance

Renewable Term Insurance Explained

If you are looking for life insurance plans, there are many options to choose from. For the simplest and an affordable kind of life cover, you can opt for term insurance plans in India. These plans are mostly suitable for everyone, irrespective of the budget you are shopping for, because term insurance premiums are very nominal.

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Term Insurance For Senior Citizens

Term Insurance For Senior Citizens

Most people tend to overlook term life insurance. However, they are one of the most cost-effective insurance options available for individuals. It helps you protect your family from financial stress in the event of your unfortunate demise and gives them financial benefits that help them carry on and achieve their life goals.

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Can term insurance be extended

Can I Extend My Term Insurance Plan?

When it comes to protecting your family financially, term insurance continues to be one of the most preferred options available to an individual. It helps keep your family financially secure even after your demise, thereby allowing them to fulfil their goals. However, most people buy term insurance plan for a specified time and post that the cover ceases. Therefore, the question of "Can term insurance be extended?" inevitably arises. If this is something that you have also been wondering, read on to find out.

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Know if term insurance premiums increase

Do Term Insurance Premiums Increase?

Life is unpredictable and fragile. You never know when something unexpected may throw all your plans out of order. Amidst such uncertainty, term plans offer some level of financial security to you and your family. The importance of term insurance has only been strengthened by the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Incidentally, the rise in reinsurance costs appears to be affecting the premiums charged for offline and online term plans.

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Premium paying term

What Is Premium Paying Term?

While buying an insurance plan, you might have come across something called the "premium paying term". Have you ever wondered what that term stands for? If you have, then that is exactly what we will be looking into here. Let us begin by getting to know how a term insurance plan works.

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Best term plan in India

How To Choose The Best Term Plan In India For Yourself

Term life insurance is one of the key protection instruments that you ought to invest in. Life can take a turn for better or worse any moment, so it is only prudent to pick the suitable term plan in India as early as possible. Let us begin by answering the basic question — what is term insurance?

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5 year term life insurance policy

5 Year Term Life Insurance Policy

Term plans are life insurance products that help you secure the future of your family. When you buy term insurance, you will most likely look for a policy that offers a longer period of coverage. For example, a term plan that covers you for 20 years or 30 years may be something that you will naturally gravitate towards, because your intent is to secure the future of your family over the long term.

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Family term insurance

Family Term Insurance – Know All About It

Life is very uncertain, and the pandemic has only reinforced this fact. You never know when something untoward may happen to you, leaving your dependents devoid of their primary source of income. If you are the sole earning member in your family that may mean that, your beneficiaries do not have any other source of income to rely on in case of your unfortunate passing.

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Term insurance vs life insurance

Difference Between Term Insurance And Other Types Of Life Insurance

Life insurance policy is a contract between the policyholder and the life insurance company where the insurance company provides a lump-sum payment, known as death benefit to nominees/beneficiaries upon the life assured’s death or maturity benefit at the time when the insurance plan matures in exchange for an amount known as premium to be paid by the policyholder.

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Can we change nominee in term insurance

Can We Change Nominee In Term Insurance?

A term insurance is a type of life insurance plan, which provides life coverage in case of the policyholder’s unfortunate death. This enables one’s family to continue to afford a decent standard of living even if any unforeseen miss happening occurs in the life of the policyholder. Term insurance plan is purely an insurance plan and does not have any savings component in it. Hence, a term insurance plan cannot be used for investment purposes.

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Types of term life insurance

Types Of Term Insurance Plans In India

Life may be great for the most part, but at some point, uncertainties and unexpected events may happen. They may be sudden job losses, pay cuts, or even accidents. And almost always, such incidents come with financial difficulties. This is particularly true when there is sudden demise of the primary breadwinner in a family. Loss of the primary source of income can prevent the surviving members of a family from achieving their life goals as planned. In situations like these, a term insurance plan can be the saving grace that is needed.

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Group term insurance

What Is Group Term Life Insurance?

A term life insurance is an insurance plan that ensures that you are protected for a specific term you opt for, which can go up to 99 years depending up on the product opted for. If the person passes away during the term of the policy, the loved ones of the insured person gets death benefit. However, term insurance does not come with maturity benefits unlike traditional life insurance. Therefore, if the person passes on after the term of the policy, the policy no longer exists and there are no maturity/death payout under the policy. Term life insurance plans are less expensive than other life insurance plans.

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Term insurance terms and conditions

Common Term Insurance Terms & Conditions You Should Know

Term life insurance policies have emerged as one of the a popular choices among different age groups who wish to secure the wants and needs of their loved ones, in case of any unforeseen situations such as their own death.

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Term insurance eligibility criteria

Term Insurance Eligibility Criteria - Explained

At times of financial distress and uncertainty, it is great relief to have a safety net to help you cover for unexpected expenses. One of the most useful investments you can make to fulfil this purpose is that of a term insurance plan. There are a number of term policies that you can avail to meet your requirements as well as make the most of the many additional benefits they offer.

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What Is Policy Term

What Is Policy Term?

Even at the best of times, life can be unpredictable and emergencies can strike without a moment’s notice. Therefore, in order to never find yourself in a situation that is financially burdensome, it is recommended to avail a suitable term insurance plan to ensure a safety net.

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How to change nominees in term plan

How To Change Nominee In Term Insurance Plan

When you buy term insurance, most of the focus and calculation goes on arriving at the right coverage amount, the premium you have to pay, and buying riders and add-ons. While engrossed in these aspects, which are important of course, it is important to mention the nominee name without which the policy would not be issued. Having a nominee amongst your loved ones ensures that they are able to enjoy the benefits of the policy in case of any unforeseen event that could occur to you.

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Term insurance nominee

How To Choose Your Term Insurance Nominee

Worried about the financial security of your loved ones? Get yourself a term insurance plan. If you ask, "What is term insurance?" here is a definition that helps: A term insurance plan is a pure protection plan that ensures that your loved ones are taken care of in the unfortunate event of your demise during the policy term. A term insurance plan ensures that your family members get death benefit in such unforeseen circumstances.

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Can term insurance be claimed under 80D

How To Avail Term Insurance Tax Benefits Under Section 80D

Term insurance offers financial protection and security to your loved ones and yourself so that you are able to meet life goals in spite of all the uncertainties that life throws at you.

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Buy term plan that covers COVID-19

Buying A New Term Insurance Plan? Ensure It Covers COVID-19

If you are wondering what is term insurance, it is a life insurance plan that provides cover to a person for a specific term in consideration of premium payment. In the unfortunate event of the person’s death during the specific term, death benefit is paid to the nominee. Term insurance is a cost-effective solution as the premiums are relatively lower as compared to other life insurance plans.

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Check if term insurance is valid outside India

Is Term Insurance Valid Outside India?

One of the most effective methods of providing for your family in your absence is term insurance. The simple and affordable nature of the plan has enjoyed widespread appeal. Thus, it is natural that Non Resident Indians (NRI) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) may consider investing in a term insurance policy. As of December 2018, the number of NRIs and PIOs stood at 31 million as stated in a report published by India’s Ministry of External Affairs.

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Term insurance quotes

Term Insurance Quotes - Factors That Determine Your Term Insurance Premium

A term insurance plan is the most popular and common insurance option that people initially opt to purchase. Right from the time you begin work, you should invest in a term plan as it offers the highest amount of protection. Term insurance ensures that everybody who is dependent on you will be looked after even if you are no longer around.

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Non medical term life insurance

Term Insurance Without Medical Tests – All You Need To Know

If there is anything that the current pandemic has put in sharp focus, it is the fact that it is vital to be prepared for the uncertainties of life. One of the most effective means of achieving this is by availing a suitable term insurance plan that can provide adequate financial security to our loved ones. In fact, with the availability of online term plans, availing insurance has become easier than ever.

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Term insurance claim process

Term Insurance Claim Process – Everything You Need To Know

Term insurance in India is the most popular life insurance product owing to the high coverage it offers to policyholders at a nominal cost. With a term insurance plan, you can be rest assured that your beneficiaries will be taken care of even if the unexpected happens and you are no longer around to take care of them.

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Can I take 2 term insurance plans

Can We Buy Two Or Multiple Term Insurance Policies?

A term insurance policy ensures protection by offering financial coverage to the policyholder. It is one of the preferred protection instrument because the policyholder can feel secure knowing that their family will be well looked after, even if they are no longer around due to unexpected reasons.

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Term insurance for coronavirus

Does Your Term Insurance Plan Cover Deaths Under COVID-19?

Life can be unpredictable. When you least expect it, a crisis could come your way and catch you unawares. This is why it is important to plan for contingencies. While you are planning for any unexpected things that may come your way, it is a smart decision to buy term insurance. Term insurance plans can be particularly useful during a crisis; since they help your family get through the loss of income and achieve their life goals as planned.

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 Term insurance for parents

Term Insurance Benefits For Parents

Purchasing term insurance is a great way to protect your family’s future financially and help them achieve their life goals. Most people tend to focus on getting a term policy for themselves or their spouses alone. When shopping for an insurance plan, parents are often not part of the equation. However, purchasing a term insurance for parents can offer both you and your parents a whole world of benefits. Here is a closer look at the benefits of term insurance for parents and some reasons why you should purchase it.

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Term insurance for home loan

Term Insurance For Home Loan

India is a developing country with people moving up the prosperity ladder at a rapid pace. The first major expense that most people bear as their income rises is towards buying a house. Home loans are a preferred tool for a majority of people aiming to buy a house. However, the nature of the home loan is drastically different from other forms of financing. A home loan typically lasts for 20 years or above. Taking a home loan essentially means creating a long-term liability for your family. Moreover, in the younger years of life, the home loan is not the only debt one has, there are other medium and short-term borrowings like car loans and credit card bills.

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How much term insurance should I buy

How Much Term Insurance Do I Need

"How much term insurance do I need?" - It is a common question in many people’s minds. It is ideally suggested to have a term insurance cover of at least 10 times of the annual income. However, the term insurance coverage amount depends on how one assesses their needs and makes a decision as per their risk appetite to ensure the right cover amount to secure their loved ones.

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How to choose term insurance

How To Choose Term Insurance

To choose the right term insurance plan for securing your family’s future, you need to consider many factors. It is important that you opt for the right term plan, since the life insurance cover can act as a financial safety net for your family. There is no telling what can happen in life. Uncertainties and emergencies may crop up when you least expect them. With the possibility of such contingencies being very real, it is only natural that you will want to safeguard your family from the troubles that follow such incidents.

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Single premium term life insurance

Single Premium Term Insurance Plan – When Should You Opt For One

In recent years, the penetration of insurance has increased tremendously. Giving into the increased demands of consumers, insurance companies are bringing in a plethora of new term insurance plans.

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Term insurance documents required

Documents Required For Term Insurance And Why

Term insurance is one of the purest and a cheaper form of life insurance products. This type of life insurance pays death benefit to the nominee in case of the policyholder’s unfortunate death. The death benefit amount may be given as a lump sum amount or in periodic pay-outs depending on the features of the plan.

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How does term insurance work

How Term Insurance Works

The current COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the uncertainty of life and highlighted the importance of term insurance plans. Whether you are the sole provider in the family or have an earning spouse, having the protection of term insurance is essential today. Can you imagine your family having to live on half of what you earn or worse without any regular monthly income?

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Term insurance claim settlement ratio

How Term Insurance Claim Settlement Ratio Matters

Term insurance is one of the essential financial product that helps secure the future of your dependent family members. It ensures that your beneficiaries have a financial safety net to fall back on in case something untoward happens to you later in life. When you buy term insurance, you are effectively safeguarding the future of your loved ones. In the process, you also get to enjoy tax benefits under section 80C and section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, subject to provisions stated therein.

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Term insurance under which section

Term Insurance Comes Under Which Section?

A term insurance plan, also known as pure life insurance, is a kind of insurance plan that provides coverage for a specified period. In case of the demise of the insured during the policy term, a term plan guarantees the payment of specified benefits to the insured person’s nominee subject to the terms and conditions mentioned under the policy.

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Decreasing term insurance

What Is Decreasing Term Insurance Plan?

Indians are known to be good savers, setting aside a significant chunk of income for emergencies. With a life insurance penetration of just 2.76%, savings have become a cushion for unforeseen circumstances. With a high dependence on savings, a fall in savings rate is worrying. The net financial savings of Indian households have witnessed a steady fall over the years. While dwindling savings is a matter of concern, affordable life insurance products like Term insurance can help provide financial protection.

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Is term insurance good for you

Is Term Insurance Good?

Yes, absolutely. Term insurance plans are good and worth every penny you spend. Whether you are the sole provider in the family or have an earning spouse, having the protection of term life insurance makes complete sense. Imagine your family having to live on half of what you earn or worse without any regular monthly income. Life can take an unexpected turn any moment and your family’s quality of life can suffer without the protection of term life insurance. Decrease in the level of income can negatively impact their lifestyle and completely derail the life goals you have set for them.

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Term insurance vs endowment plan

Difference Between Term Plan And Endowment Plan

If you’ve made the wise decision to invest in a life insurance plan and safeguarded the future of your family, the next step to focus on is choosing the kind of life insurance you wish to purchase. Should you opt for term insurance? Or is it a better idea to purchase life insurance which also gives a maturity benefit? To resolve the term insurance vs. traditional endowment insurance dilemma, it’s important to first address fundamental questions like "What is term insurance?" and "What is traditional endowment insurance?" Let’s get to the basics of these two types of life covers and understand more about their features and advantages.

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Term insurance till what age

Term Insurance Till What Age: How To Pick The Right Policy Period?

Term insurance is a life insurance plan where the policyholder is provided life cover for a predetermined duration or specific number of years. As a simple and cost-effective form of life insurance, term insurance provides death benefit to the nominee in case of the life assured’s death.

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1 Crore Term Insurance

Why You Need A 1 Crore Term Insurance Plan

Term insurance plans have evolved significantly over the years, and today, they offer a number of features and benefits that prove to be extremely useful. You can now be rest assured that in case of your untimely or sudden demise, your family will have a substantial amount to fall back on.

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 Term insurance premium reduction

Term Insurance Premium – Tips To Reduce Them

Term insurance is the simplest and the most cost-effective form of life insurance available to us. Term life insurance protection ensures that your family’s life goals such as children education or marriage don’t get disrupted even in adversity. Therefore, term insurance should be an important part of your long-term financial goal-setting plan.

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Term insurance under MWP Act, 1874

Why You Should Buy Term Insurance Under MWP Act, 1874

Are our families not at their happiest when all of us are together? Your family not just cherishes your presence emotionally, but they might also depend on you financially as you could be the sole breadwinner in the family. While you are around, you would always wish for the well-being of your loved ones and try to fulfil all of their needs. However, have you imagined how things could change if something goes wrong?

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What is term insurance plan with return of premium

What Is Term Insurance Plan with Return of Premium?

The acceptance of life insurance policies has been increasing in India over the last few years. Increasing awareness and diversified product offerings have played a crucial role in driving acceptance of life insurance. People have started considering life insurance a necessity rather than a tax-saving instrument. The availability of different types of life insurance has increased the customer base of insurance products. Term insurance with return of premium is one of the most popular types of life insurance.

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Joint term insurance plan

Joint Term Insurance Plan – What Is It?

Irrespective of whether you are single or married, purchasing a term life insurance plan is a good way to protect yourself and your family from the unpredictability of life. Term Insurance ensures that your family is financially supported in the event of any unfortunate incident. A term insurance plan also offers plenty of advantages to the insured.

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Term insurance for child

Term Insurance To Secure Your Child’s Future

Your life goals may vary from one stage to another. For instance, if you’ve recently earned your first pay-check, your short-term objectives may perhaps include creating an emergency fund or getting started with your savings. A little later in life, your goals could evolve to include targets like owning your first home or purchasing a car.

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Term policy features

5 Important Features Of A Term Policy

In today’s world, life insurance is of utmost importance, regardless of one’s age. Life insurance not only provides insurance coverage to the insured, thereby offering financial assistance to their family members and nominees in case of an unforeseen event, but it also provides several tax benefits. Furthermore, according to a recent UN report, India also has the world’s largest youth population, and this shift in culture and impetus on financial prudence is expected to drive positive change in the insurance industry [1].

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Term insurance age limit

Term Insurance Age Limit – Know All About It

Everyone wants their family to be hale and hearty. Even though most people don’t directly associate happiness with financial stability, it nevertheless plays an important part. Being an earning member of the family, it is your responsibility to ensure the financial stability of your family. A term insurance plan can be an efficient tool to financially ring-fence your family in your absence.

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Term insurance coverage after 65

Why You Shouldn’t Stop Your Term Insurance Coverage After 65

Term insurance has traditionally been considered as a protection plan that’s best taken when you’re younger. Since most people commonly retire between the ages of 60 and 65, term insurance plans are generally structured so that they offer coverage until the investor reaches 65 years of age.

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Term insurance for NRI

How NRIs Can Buy Term Insurance Plans In India

Non-resident Indians (NRIs) or Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) are essentially people whose birth, descent, or origin can be traced back to the Republic of India. These people live outside their home country, thereby making them non-residents of India. NRIs and PIOs may be residing abroad for any one out of the many reasons. Some go abroad to pursue higher education, while others may be employed in foreign countries. The NRI population also includes spouses, parents, and children of people who may have left India to be employed abroad.

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Term riders meaning and benefits explained

5 Term Riders and Their Benefits Explained

Riders are an add-on to the life insurance policy, providing additional benefits at nominal extra cost. A term insurance plan essentially provides income loss protection in the event of death of the life assured, which enables life assured’s family to continue their life goals journey. Whereas adding riders to your term insurance plan will help in getting additional cover for contingencies like critical illness or disability etc. In essence, riders help in maximizing the benefits of your term insurance cover. This enables policyholder to continue their life cover and provide financial security to their family for achieving their goals.

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Term insurance comparison

5 Term Insurance Comparison Factors

Term insurance is one of the most important part of financial planning tools for an individual. It provides life protection to the policyholder and ensures that their family’s life-goals aren’t derailed in their absence. A term insurance plan provides a lump sum payment to the nominee if the life assured is no more even though some term plans offer an additional advantage of returning the entire premium paid at the end of the policy term if the life assured survives the policy term.

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Term plan with return of premium

Term Plan With Return Of Premium – Know All About It

Many Life insurance customers have expressed their concern on losing out their money if no claims are made during the tenure of their term insurance plan. To address this, life insurance companies are offering term insurance plans with a return of premium option. It means that if the Life assured continues to live through the policy tenure then at the end of policy term the life insurance company returns all the premium paid towards the policy.

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Term insurance plans comparison

Term Insurance Comparison – Regular Vs Return Of Premium Term Plan

A term insurance plan is one of the most popular types of life insurance. It offers the financial security of a lump sum pay-out to beneficiaries in the event of death of the life assured. As the duration of the coverage is pre-decided in the policy document, it is referred to as term insurance or term life insurance. When an individual buys term insurance, he/she ensures that their family’s life goals do not get derailed if they are not around.

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Term insurance with maturity benefits

Do Term Insurance Plans Have Maturity Benefits?

Term insurance plans provide a financial cover to a family / dependents on the event of a death of the breadwinner of the family. The cover helps the family to continue their life goals journey and not hit upon a financial burden on the death of the breadwinner. Term insurance acts as a back-up to your family’s life goals, enabling them to continue pursuing their goals even in your absence by providing them a life cover But, in case nothing happens to the breadwinner of the family, term insurance plans do not provide any maturity benefit. However, a term insurance plan with return of premium option provides maturity benefit if the life assured survives the tenure of the term insurance policy. These plans allow life assured the option to recover the total premium invested in the term insurance policy if the life assured outlives the policy term. This becomes a great value addition for those customers who are seeking to get at least their premiums back, if they outlive the term insurance policy term

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Term life insurance

Term Life Insurance – Why Get Coverage Up To 99 Years

Life is uncertain and we try everything we can to minimise this uncertainty. Every day, we are exposed to countless risks of death and disability due to natural and accidental forces. We try not to talk about the inevitable - talking about the eventuality of death forces us to confront the transience of life. But it is important to stay prepared for all uncertainties like death, disability, accident, etc. If something were to happen to you, how will your family deal with it? The loss of life has massive emotional consequences, but it also has implications for the lifestyle of your family and everyone you leave behind. One way you can make provision for the well-being of your family and dependents is by buying term life insurance.

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How to avoid term insurance claim rejection

How To Ensure Your Term Insurance Claim Never Gets Rejected

Data available from the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India (IRDAI) proves that life insurance claim rejection is real. Life insurance companies settled 8,60,000 claims and rejected as many as 12,769 claims during FY 2016-17. If you don’t want your family to suffer in your absence, you should take all measures to ensure that your term insurance claim never gets rejected.

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Term insurance for smokers

Why Smokers need to invest in a Term Insurance Plan

A tiny cigarette doesn’t cost a lot. However, your smoking habits can cost you your health. Every smoker is not the same though. It is possible that you smoke but maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, whether you smoke rigorously or occasionally, it is recommended to buy term insurance to secure your loved ones in your absence.

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Term insurance for non-working spouse

Why a Non-Working Spouse needs a Term Insurance Plan

Being a housewife might seem easy to some people. However, the job of a housewife is as important as any other earning member of the family. From managing the entire household to looking after children, a housewife solely bears the whole responsibility. In spite of playing an essential part in the family, the role of a housewife is undervalued in our society. The fact that a housewife too has life-goals like pursuing hobbies or travelling could seem alien, but is a reality.

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Term insurance with critical illness rider

Why Get A Critical Illness Rider With Your Term Plan?

Availing additional riders on term plans enhances the value of coverage. These riders are either included in the policy or an individual can purchase it along with the base plan. The most commonly opted rider under a term plan is the critical illness rider. It covers the cost incurred towards treatment of critical illness of the life assured.

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Term insurance FAQs

10 Frequently Asked Questions About Term Plans

The top priority of every family man is the well-being of his family. Over the years, he strives hard to meet every life goal of his family. However, in his absence, there is no one to look after their financial needs. In that case, a term plan becomes essential. With a term plan, the nominees of the policyholders are protected after the demise of the policyholder. The provision of death benefit ensures their financial security in the long run.

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Term insurance monthly payout

Importance Of Monthly Income Payout In A Term Insurance Plan

Death is an inevitable part of our lives. The loss of the breadwinner of the family impacts us financially as well as emotionally. If not managed efficiently, one can experience a permanent financial downfall. One of the most popular life insurance products like term insurance plan provides financial protection to the family members in the absence of the policyholder. The nominees can choose to receive the pay-out either every month or in a lump sum depending on the conditions mentioned under the policy.

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Term Insurance: How Much Should You Be Insured For And For How Long?

Term Insurance: How Much Should You Be Insured For And For How Long?

Term insurance plan is affordable and offers not just tax benefits, but also peace of mind that your loved ones will continue to achieve their life goals even in case of your untimely demise.However, most of us might not have a clear.

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Why terms plan in life insurance is important for single women

Why terms plan in life insurance is important for single women

A ladies handbag is her "Armageddon Resource Centre", carrying everything ranging from tissues to snacks, from coins to a Swiss army knife, and from makeup to pepper spray. Naturally, because women.

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Term Insurance : Insurance That Costs Less Than Your Daily Chai

Term Insurance : Insurance That Costs Less Than Your Daily Chai

Paul Stanley once said "Youth is incredible because you really do feel invincible." Since young professionals feel nothing can go wrong at their age, they tend not to plan for.

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Term Insurance Benefits and Things To Consider Before Buying a Term Insurance Plan

Term Insurance Benefits and Things To Consider Before Buying a Term Insurance Plan

Safety is an important consideration for all of us. For instance, when we are driving, we make sure that we have our seatbelts on for our safety.

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Term Life Insurance Policy Riders: Why They Matter

Term Life Insurance Policy Riders: Why They Matter

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a rider as "A condition or proviso added to something already agreed". When added to your life insurance policy, riders can be an effective and powerful addition.

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Why Term Insurance Is important for Working Couples

Why Term Insurance Is important for Working Couples

Power couples are on the rise. We see more families where both partners are choosing to climb the corporate ladder. It's a myth that life insurance.

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8 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Buying a Term Insurance Plan

8 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Buying a Term Insurance Plan

Term insurance is the purest form of insurance where for a fixed premium, you cover yourself against any unforeseen contingencies.

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How To Choose The Most Suitable Term Insurance Plan In India For Yourself

How To Choose The Most Suitable Term Insurance Plan In India For Yourself

It is obvious for an investor to get confused due to numerous insurance options available in the market. To purchase the right term insurance plans in India, one must understand the basics of the policy.


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 5 Term Insurance Myths Debunked

5 Term Insurance Myths Debunked

When it comes to term insurance plans, there are tons of perceptions doing the rounds. The real identity of the term insurance plans is lost amongst the judgements made about it.

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Term Insurance Premium Calculator – Know Everything About It

Term Insurance Premium Calculator – Know Everything About It

Selecting the right type of term policy is an easy process. However, the availability of numerous options makes it tricky to pick the appropriate plan.

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5 Mistakes To Avoid While Buying Term Insurance

5 Mistakes To Avoid While Buying Term Insurance

Investment in a life insurance policy is worth all your hard-earned money as it provides for peace of mind to the policyholder.

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What Is Online Term Insurance And How To Buy One?

What Is Online Term Insurance And How To Buy One?

We dread the painstaking process of purchasing term policies. The lengthy process is cumbersome as well as time-consuming.

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Term insurance vs whole life insurance

Term Insurance Vs Whole Life Insurance - Which One Should You Get And Why

Life insurance plans provides for the protection of your entire family as well as allows them to accomplish their life goals even in your absence. While purchasing a policy, investors prefer either term plans or whole-life insurance policies. Since these two policies are always pitted against each other, the selection between them is a daunting task.

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Buy term insurance

How To Buy Term Insurance At Different Life Stages

Ideally, the right time to buy term insurance plans is at a younger stage of life. While a majority of policyholders buy early, the rest acquire these policies only when they plan on extending their family. When you buy term insurance plan, it secures your families from unannounced emergencies arising in the future. Opting for a term plan at the appropriate time ensures the accomplishment of your life goals with ease.

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Online term plan benefits

4 Benefits Of Online Term Plans

The emergence of E-commerce has gradually decreased the painstaking process of buying an insurance policy. The availability of online term plans has lessened the formalities. The prime aim of an online term policy is the convenience and affordability of the consumers. With online term plans, an individual can access his policy from any corner of the world at a single click.

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Importance of medical tests for term insurance

Why You Should Undergo Medical Tests Before Buying Term Insurance

Undergoing a medical test before purchasing a term policy plays a significant role. Ideally, these medical tests are essential for the determination of your health quotient. When a policyholder gets a medical examination done beforehand, the insurance companies provide them with customized plans based on such reports. Failure to do so could lead to undesirable repercussions in the long run.

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Term insurance benefits for millennials

4 Term Insurance Benefits For Millennials

There are multiple reasons to purchase a term life insurance policy. However, opting for the right term insurance plan play a significant role in the lives of every millennial. With term insurance, a millennial can protect his family from financial contingencies, which may arise after his death..

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4 Ways To Choose The Best Term Insurance Plan For Yourself

4 Ways To Choose The Best Term Insurance Plan For Yourself

Life insurance is about offering financial security to your dependents in your absence. While many individuals appreciate the need for life cover, the process of identifying the ideal plan can be a difficult decision.

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A Launch to Inspire

A Choice Investment Options

As it turns out the 104-satellite launch is a world record by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) beating the 37-satellite launch by Russia in 2014. Heartiest congratulations to Team ISRO for making the impossible a reality!

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Bajaj Allianz Life Launches An Exclusive Micro Insurance Product

A Great Term Insurance Plan for Rural India

Bajaj Allianz Life targeted the low-income market with the launch of a micro insurance product that allows customers to choose between fixed and flexible loan tenure coverage , an exclusive feature of the plan is that the policy term ranges from as less as 6 months to 120 months ,with option of single life and joint life coverage.

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Cricket and Life: Games of glorious uncertainties

Deal Life's Uncertainties With Term Insurance Plan

The cricketing world is gaga about R Ashwin’s exploits. Most successful off spinner, on a record-breaking spree, budding allrounder, etc. But there are concerns staring at Ashwin and he must tackle them with alacrity. And these are the concerns that are challenging all individuals at some level.

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Why Term Insurance is One of the Best Investments

Term Plans Makes For The Best Investments

Every New Year sees a flurry of activity in the ‘resolution’ space. It’s either smoking less or not all, getting fitter, less angry, procrastinating less and having more action or some such resolve.

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IPL Auction 2017 – Different Stokes for different folks

Analyse Your Term Insurance Options Carefully

The IPL auction was conducted with much fanfare as usual with the added element of suspense in the backdrop of the board’s problems. The results of the auction would suggest that it’s just another day in the office for the IPL with team owners, willing to pay top dollar for the marquee players.

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Learn the Basics of Term Life Insurance

Learn the Basics of Term Life Insurance Plan

How a term plan can protect you & your family from the 'ifs' of life.

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The secret to a happy life!

Live a guilt-free in today’s times with term insurance

Eternal happiness is a myth. Sounds ironical? On the basis of the title of this article, it does. Essentially, staying happy will take efforts from you. You need to be emotionally strong, forget your worries, forgive easily, laugh harder, kiss longer and a host of other things that cinema suggests will make us happy individuals, just like our favourite on-screen characters.

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When The Tubelight Is A Slow Starter

Term Insurance Plan To The Rescue

Social media is abuzz with how the Tubelight has lived up to its name going by initial box office collections. But will the Tubelight live up to its potential, backed as it is by a successful actor-director team?

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Why term plans are a must have?

Low Premiums - Just One Of The Many Term Insurance Benefits

Life insurance is a long-term commitment about getting life cover in exchange of timely premiums. It lets you sleep in peace with the knowledge that your family is well-prepared for any uncertainty in your absence.

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33% Discount is available for regular premium and limited premium payment frequency under all variants of Bajaj Allianz Life Smart Protect Goal - A Non Linked, Non-Participating, Pure Life Term Insurance Plan

The above information is for general understanding and is meant to educate the general public at large. The reader will have to verify the facts, law and content with the prevailing tax statutes and seek appropriate professional advice before acting on the basis of the above information.