In case you are not sure about how to get started, a good thing to do is to understand what term insurance is all about. Let us help you out by clearing up what the term insurance meaning is.
What is term insurance?
Simply put, a term insurance plan is a type of a life insurance plan. When you purchase a term insurance policy, the insurer provides you with a life cover for a specific tenure of your choice. In return, the insurer charges periodic payments known as premiums. In the event of your unfortunate demise during the tenure of the plan, the insurer disburses a certain sum of money to your nominees/beneficiaries. This is known as the death benefit.
The premiums of a term insurance plan are lower when compared to other traditional life insurance products because term insurance is a pure life cover. So, now that we have the term insurance meaning out of the way, let us look at another important phrase related to term insurance plans - the premium payment term.
What is the premium payment term?
In layman terms, the premium payment term is simply the period or the tenure over which you pay the insurer premiums for the life cover you purchase. In other words, the entire duration for which you are obligated to pay premiums to the insurer is known as the premium paying term or the premium payment term.
This is not to be confused with the policy term. The policy term is the entire duration for which you get to enjoy the benefits of term life insurance. In other words, it is the period over which the life cover offered by the plan remains in place.
Let us look at an example to understand this well. For instance, let us assume that you opt for a term insurance plan that offers you a life cover for a period of 30 years. Here, the 30-year period is the policy term. Usually, in the case of a majority of term life insurance plans, the premium paying term is often the same as the policy term. So, you would be required to pay premiums for the plan for 30 years.