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Term Insurance

Term insurance has been a critical financial safeguard, but the pandemic further highlighted its importance as more people recognised the need to secure their families against life’s uncertainties. This indeed is something to ponder upon, because the death of an earning member of a family is not just a personal loss but a financial one too. Here, investing in term insurance could be a good decision. Read More

Specially designed to support a bereaved family in coping with a sudden loss,term insurance pays a lump sum of money to the policyholder’s nominee in the event of the unforeseen. Let's dig deeper to know how it can help fight a crisis. Read Less

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Writer Palak
Written ByPalak Bagadia
AboutPalak Bagadia
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Palak Bagadia, Associate – Digital Marketing at Bajaj Allianz Life, with experience spanning content and performance marketing, recruitment, employee engagement in the BFSI industry.
Reviewer Rituraj
Reviewed ByRituraj Singh
AboutRituraj Singh
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Rituraj Singh,With over 6.5 years of experience in the insurance industry, Rituraj Singh, Manager- Product & Brand Marketing at Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance overlooks new product launches, compliance, and brand projects, leveraging artificial intelligence and technology to enhance outcomes.
Written on: 2nd January 2025
Modified on: 14th January 2025
Reading Time: 21 Mins

What is a Term Insurance?

This is a simple and traditional form of life insurance[1]. Term insurance is basically a financial agreement between the insurance company and the policyholder. Here the life assured i.e. the insured, pays premiums for a pre-specified time frame against which the nominee is entitled to get a pre-defined amount i.e. the sum assured as death benefit if the life assured dies within the policy term. However, a traditional term insurance doesn’t pay anything if the insured, survives the policy term.

Why Do You Need a Term Insurance Policy?

A term insurance policy is designed to provide financial security to the family when the life assured is no more. Suppose, Mr A, a 35-year-old, has a family of a homemaker wife and two kids below 10 years of age and is the sole income earner. Mr A also has a home-loan with a huge outstanding amount. Now, if he suddenly dies at 40, there’s no regular income for the family anymore. His kids are under 15, and awaiting higher studies. At this point, Mr A’s sudden demise can make it quite difficult for his family to make ends meet, clear dues and carry on with the children’s education. This is where a life insurance term plan may emerge as a saviour. If Mr A had bought a policy with a sufficient sum assured, his death benefit would help the family maintain the existing lifestyle, repay all the dues and keep a corpus aside for the life goals like the children’s education, marriage or retirement savings. Hence, for your financial protection; you may find it worthy1[2] to purchase a term life insurance. 

Who Should Buy a Term Insurance Policy?

A term insurance policy may act as a financial cushion for a family when an earning member succumbs to a sudden death. The sum assured paid to the nominee can be utilized to sail through the financial crisis by taking care of household needs, repaying debts, and funding life goals. So, if you are someone who has dependent parents or an immediate family, liabilities, and life goals to be fulfilled, term life insurance may be a worthy choice to consider.2[3] It may help you create a financial shield for your loved ones that would help them sustain if you are suddenly not there anymore.

Who Should Buy a Term Insurance

How Does a Term Plan Work?

Now that you know what a term plan is, it’s time to understand how it functions3[4] before you decide to purchase one. A term insurance policy is basically a contract between two parties—the insurance company and the insured (policyholder). Here, the insured pays premiums, a pre-fixed amount payable in a specific schedule for the specified term of the policy, typically 10, 20, or 30 years. The premium, in a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly payment schedule is charged by the insurer, to provide the insured with a death benefit or any other applicable benefit in exchange. The amount of premium is calculated depending on the policyholder’s age, gender, medical history, occupation, lifestyle, and habits alongside the chosen sum assured, policy term, and riders and usually remains fixed throughout the policy term. If the insured dies before the expiry of the policy, his/her nominee receive the entitled sum assured as a death benefit. But no payment is made by the insurer if the life assured survives the policy term and the coverage of the policy ends with its expiry date. However, the coverage period can be extended, by renewing the policy, but at a revised premium based on the age of the insured at the time of the policy renewal. The premium thus, gets increased as the age increases.

What is a Term Insurance Calculator?

While it’s important to have a sufficient coverage amount in your term insurance policy, it’s equally crucial to figure out if you can afford to pay the premiums for the entire policy term to enjoy the insurance benefits in full. So, to ensure that you choose a term insurance plan that offers coverage matching your needs, without being harsh on your pocket, you need to make the calculations right. Here, a term insurance calculator may be helpful. A term insurance calculator4[5] is an online tool that helps in calculating the coverage amount needed, based on inputs of one’s income and savings. Some calculators also help in estimating the premium payable for a specified amount of coverage and the details of the policyholder. The term insurance calculator may be accessed from websites of insurance companies or financial platforms free of charge. Based on the calculated coverage and corresponding premium payable, it may be easier to gauge which of the available term insurance plans is the best-fit choice for you. Based on the calculations, some of the term insurance calculators also suggest which plan matches your requirements and affordability best. 

Types of Term Insurance Plans

There are different types of term insurance plans catering to varying needs of individuals. Typically, the insurance companies offer policy terms ranging from 10 to 30 years, while a few offer 35 or 40 year policy terms. However, there’s more when it comes to types of term insurance plans in India. Here’s a glance5[6]:

Level Term Insurance

Level Term Insurance

In this term policy plan variant, the sum assured remains fixed throughout the policy term.

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Increasing Term Insurance

Increasing Term Insurance

In these term insurance plans, the coverage, i.e., the sum assured, increases with time, but at a higher premium. Purchasing these plans may be beneficial at a young age, as both coverage and premiums increase with age and income and can cater to evolving life goals.

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Decreasing Term Insurance

Decreasing Term Insurance

This variety of term insurance offers a death benefit that reduces over time. For those with less loan or mortgage, these policies may make a good choice as the liabilities of the insured decrease over time, lowering the need for life insurance coverage.

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Term Insurance with Return of Premium

Term Insurance with Return of Premium

These policies not only offer a death benefit in the event of the unforeseen, but also return all the premiums paid at the end of the policy term if the insured survives.

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Convertible Term Insurance

Convertible Term Insurance

These term life insurances6[7] allow the policyholder to convert the policy to a whole life insurance upon maturity of the existing policy plan.

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Features of Term Insurance

To understand term insurance better, clarity of knowledge regarding its features is needed. Here’s are the set of features7[8] that categorizes a term plan:

Financial Security

Financial Security

The term plan is designed to financially secure the policyholder’s family if he/she dies an untimely death. It pays the sum assured to the nominee as death benefit. This lump sum amount might save the family from an unwanted financial struggle while coping with a massive personal loss.

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Long Term Coverage

Long-term Coverage

Term insurances usually have a policy term ranging between 10 and 30 years. This may ensure long-term financial security for your loved ones if anything untoward happens.

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Large Coverage

Large Coverage

Since a term insurance policy pays only the death benefit against premiums for the long policy term, usually the coverage amount is large, which may help a bereaved family build a sufficient corpus to sustain in the event of the unforeseen.

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Since there’s no payout except the death benefit in term insurance, the policies come at a relatively cheaper premium compared to other insurances.

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Wholesome Protection

Wholesome Protection

Term insurances are designed to financially protect the life assured’s family in the event of his/her untimely death. But in addition to the sum assured in the form of death benefit, the life assured may get enhanced coverages extending to accidents, critical or terminal illnesses, or avail of a waiver of premium facility by opting for additional riders.

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Benefits of Buying Term Insurance

With a bunch of benefits, term insurance may be one of the worthy investment choices for those looking to financially secure their loved ones’ future. Here’s how8[9]:


Extensive Coverage at Low Premiums:

Since there are no maturity benefits to be paid, insurance companies offer term insurances for much lower premiums. Hence, you may be able to get a large and extensive coverage, keeping it easy on your pockets too.


Tax Deductions for the Policyholder:

Premium payment for term insurance entitles the policyholder to get tax benefits. Under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, he/she can get a tax deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakhs annually for the premiums paid. However, this can only be availed under the old tax regime.


Tax-free Benefit:

The death benefit received by the nominee of the policyholder in the event of the unforeseen is completely tax-free under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.


Peace of Mind:

Everyone looks forward to keeping the loved ones safe from any financial struggle, even when he/she is no more. Term insurance may put the worries to an end by offering a scope to secure the family’s financial future.

How Much Term Insurance Cover Do You Need?

One of the key decisions while choosing a term insurance plan is determining the amount of coverage, i.e., the sum assured your nominee will receive as death benefit in unforeseen circumstances. According to experts, the amount that suffices to financially protect the life assured’s family should be based on his/her income, household expenditures, outstanding liabilities (if any), and the respective life goals. Thus, an ideal amount 12[13]may be estimated as at least 10 times the annual income. Another way of arriving at the figure13[14] may be by adding 150 times the monthly household expenses, current outstanding liabilities, amount needed to fund specific life goals, amount planned as a retirement corpus, and deducting the total worth of liquid assets from it.

What Are Term Insurance Riders?

Term insurance riders9[10] act as an additional layer of protection that are available as options to enhance the coverage of a basic term plan. At an additional premium payment, these optional benefits are designed to extend the coverage to specific areas and take care of emergency situations better. For example, a critical or terminal illness rider may ease the financial stress of such a disease; an accident cover can provide bigger financial help in an accidental death; or a waiver of premium rider can spare you from paying premiums in case of sudden disability due to an accident or a disease. Here, the amount of extra premium payable for the riders depends on the life assured’s age, sum assured, policy term, and payment schedules.

How Does a Term Plan Secure the Financial Future of Your Family?

A term insurance plan may help you provide a financial cushion10[11]to your family from hardships due to untoward circumstances. As you pay the premiums throughout the policy term, the nominee remains entitled to get a pre-defined sum assured if you die before the policy expiry. This lump sum amount received as a death benefit may be used by your loved ones in the moment of crisis to sustain the existing lifestyle, pay outstanding dues, and keep a fund aside for life goals like higher studies or marriage of your children.

How To Decide Timeline of a Term Insurance Policy?

While you plan to invest in a term insurance policy, there remains one more concern11[12]: How long should you extending coverage for your term life insurance? Usually, the insurance companies offer plans with policy terms ranging between 5 and 40 years[12], or till the policyholder is 99 years old. But experts recommend picking a policy term based on your retirement age and liabilities. So, how does that work?

Suppose you are in your 20s and have at least 40 more years to retire. Experts believe that a policy term of 35–40 years may be helpful here to keep your loved ones secure. Moreover, premiums may be relatively lower at this time because of your age[12].

At your 30’s and 40’s, you may have started a family. That involves a new set of liabilities and life goals and, in turn, the need for building a corpus to fund them. Experts suggest a policy term of 35–40 years at this stage, depending on your income level, financial needs, and retirement plans[12].

If you are in your 50s and 60s, liabilities are likely to have lessened, with children becoming settled and financially independent. As per the experts, here the coverage should focus on retirement goals, and the policy term should ideally be around 15 years[12].

What is Term Insurance

What Are The Factors That Can Affect Term Insurance Premiums?

The premium payable for term insurance varies from person to person depending on certain parameters. Following are the factors that affect the estimate14[15]:



Usually, young people are expected to live longer and are considered less prone to diseases. Hence, they are offered lower premiums compared to elders.

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The higher your number of dependents, such as children, spouses, or elderly parents, the higher coverage you would need to ensure their financial stability.

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Health Status and Family Medical History

Health Status and Family Medical History

If you are in good health, reflected by your medical records, premiums are likely to be low. However, premiums may increase if you have a family history of serious health disorders or diseases like Cardiac Issues, Diabetes, etc., making you prone to them.

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Smoking or rash driving are considered risky habits as they can culminate in critical diseases or accidental death. Hence, the premium payable will be higher if you have these habits.

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Occupation and lifestyle

Occupation and lifestyle

Existing assets help to reduce the amount of coverage required, while liabilities, such as debts and loans, can increase it. Your term insurance coverage should be sufficient to meet the financial obligations and outstanding debts.

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How To Choose a Term Insurance plan?

Buying the best term insurance plan fitted to your financial needs and affordability needs a careful estimation. For that, there are certain things that need to be kept in mind. Wondering how to choose a term insurance plan?15[16] Here’s a checklist that you may consider:

  1. Coverage:

    To protect your loved ones financially if you are suddenly not around, well-calculated term life insurance coverage may be helpful. The maximum amount you can choose as term plan coverage is 20–25 times your gross salary. According to experts, the life cover should ideally be chosen based on one’s financial needs, current lifestyle, and liabilities.

  2. Policy Term:

    Experts suggest that the ideal policy term should extend till your retirement age or till your children are 25 and financially independent. You may benefit more from such a policy.

  3. Riders:

    Carefully check the plan for available rider options to enhance your coverage and ensure comprehensive protection. Coverage for accidental death and critical or terminal illness may be a crucial pick. Another important one is the waiver of premium for disability or pre-specified illness.

  4. Claim Settlement Ratio:

    It’s extremely important to check the insurance company’s claim settlement practice while choosing an insurance term. It would be wise to save your nominees from hassle in case of unfortunate circumstance. The company’s claim settlement ratio (available on the IRDAI website) reflects the percentage of settled claims out of total claims registered in a year. Hence, high ratio, ensures better credibility.

  5. Pre-payment Options:

    You may want to pre-pay the term life insurance premiums before you retire to save yourself from financial burdens post-retirement. Check the term plan for payment schedule and prepayment options while choosing to purchase the policy.

Importance of Sum Assured In Term Insurance

A sum assured in term insurance is the pre-decided amount that the nominee is entitled to receive if the life assured dies within the policy term. A term insurance, the purest form of life insurance, has no other payout than this sum assured, payable as a death benefit in the event of the unforeseen. Designed to financially protect the loved ones of the policyholder in his absence, thus the sum assured in a term insurance plan is crucial16[17], as it can be utilized by the family to sail through the crisis, repay debts, sustain the existing lifestyle, and fund life goals. 

When Should You Buy a Term Insurance Plan?

Term insurance is a crucial component that helps in building a financial strategy. By opting for term insurance you lay a foundation towards your long-term financial planning[25].

As suggested by financial experts, buying a term insurance at an early age like in your 20s is preferred as it optimizes the benefits17[18]. Here’s how:

  • One is usually in good health in their 20s and believed to have higher life expectancy. Hence, you’ll get relatively lower premium for your term insurance.
  • In your 20s, you have at least 40 years till your retirement, considering the retirement age here as 60 years, and no or less liabilities. So, buying an increasing life-cover at a cheaper cost at this stage may be beneficial as it would grow with your income and affordability.
  • In your 20s, you may have parents either retired or about to retire. It may be a good idea to get a term insurance to financially protect them if you are suddenly no more.
  • Starting early on a term insurance brings you tax benefits from an early age. Premium payment of a term insurance plan fetches tax deductions up to Rs 1.5 lakhs per annum under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. This can be availed through the old tax regime.
Documents Required to Buy Term Insurance

To buy a term insurance plan in India, you need to submit a set of documents18[19]. The list may vary across insurance companies. Following is a broad checklist:

Photo identity proof Photo identity proof

Photo identity proof

Age Proof

Address proof

Income Proof

Recent photograph

Aadhar card/Voter’s id/Passport/Driving License etc.

Voter’s id/Pan card etc.

Aadhar card/Voter’s id/Passport/Electricity bill/tax bill etc.

bank statement/computation of income/Salary statements/Income Tax document etc.

What Are The Payout Options in Term Insurance?

A term insurance is the simplest form of life insurance. The policy pays only the sum assured to the nominee as the death benefit if the life assured dies within the policy term. If the insured survives the policy term, no amount is payable despite all the premiums being paid. If the insured dies before the policy expires, the nominee may file a death claim with insurance company. Here, the nominee can choose to take the death benefit payout in two options: either as a lumpsum or as installments or annuities payable at regular intervals, depending on the family’s financial situation. The lump sum payout may be helpful in building a corpus while installment or annuity payouts may act as a guaranteed income stream. However, the payout rules vary from insurer to insurer. 

Term Insurance Claim Settlement Process

In case of a term insurance, the only claim to be settled is the death claim in the event of the life assured’s death within the policy term. Therefore, to get the sum assured as the death benefit, you would need to complete the following steps19[20]:

  • Claim Intimation

  • In the event occurrence of the unforeseen, the nominee may intimate the insurance company about the life assured’s  and file a claim by submitting a filled-in claim form. Details like the policy number, name of the claimant, date, place and cause of the death are to be intimated through the form.

  • Document Submission

  • The next step is submitting the necessary documents like the death certificate, original policy papers, claimant’s statement, his/her identity plus address proofs, medical records of the deceased, an FIR copy and the post-mortem report (for accidental deaths) to get the claim processed.

    Once the claim is raised and the relevant documents are submitted, it’s upon the insurance company to decide and settle the claim. As per the recent guidelines by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI)20[21], the insurer has to settle the claims within 15 days if no probe is required and within 45 days in case of deaths that needs an investigation.

Common Term Insurance Terminologies

It’s crucial to understand specific terminologies21[22] while you read through the policy papers before purchasing a term plan. The following list of common terms may help you:

How to Buy a Term Plan?

Are you looking to financially secure your loved ones through a term plan? To purchase the correct term insurance plan in India for your budget and needs, following the steps below may be helpful22[23]:

Step Description
Estimate Your Needs Calculate the current household needs, outstanding liabilities and fund needed to fulfil the life goals and retirement plans, even if you are not around. The life cover you choose should sufficiently cover all these in future. 
Opt for Increasing Coverage if Needed If you are young, a term policy plan with an increasing coverage option may benefit you more[6]. The bigger coverage as you age and grow in terms of income and liabilities can be helpful.
Pick the Right Insurance Company Detailed research about the available insurance companies, their rules, customer services and claim settlement practice may benefit you. This can lead to making a well-informed decision of an insurance company. Also, ensure that you read the policy and understand its features thoroughly. 
Compare Premiums Compare plan options in terms of premiums payable to find the best term insurance plan suited to your needs and budget. A term insurance calculator can be helpful here.
Choose the Policy Term Decide how long you want your life to be covered. Carefully pick the policy term based on your preferred age of retirement, when your children will be financially independent, and your life goals.
Review Claim Settlement The claim settlement ratio is an indicator of insurer's reliability. The higher the ratio, the better. This simply means that in cases of claim settlement the procedure will be hassle free[23].
Select Riders Wisely Enhance the term insurance coverage through optional riders. Check each rider for inclusions, exclusions, rules, and additional premium payable.
Online Purchase You can purchase term insurance online from the insurer’s website. Compare plans, finalize your pick, and make an online payment to buy the policy at a relatively low premium.
Seek Expert Advice Seek expert guidance to make the term insurance process smoother. Experts can assist you with the complexities of selecting and purchasing a plan.
Get the Documents Ready Collect documents required for KYC (Know Your Customer) and income details. Ensure all documents are in order before proceeding with the policy purchase.
Medical Examination Depending on your age, gender, occupation, and lifestyle, you may need to undergo a medical examination. Keep test records handy.
Payment of Premium / Premium Deposit Once the Insurer communicates the decision of acceptance of proposal, premium needs to be paid. Insurers shall ensure that explicit consent is obtained from the prospect/policyholder for deduction of amount towards premium payment from bank account. Risk Cover shall commence only after receipt of premium. No premium deposit/ proposal deposit is required to be paid to the insurer along with the proposal form except in case of policies issued basis declaration of good health

Key takeaways

It’s now time to highlight the key takeaways23[24] regarding the term insurance.

  • Term insurance is the simplest  form of life insurance, that may provide coverage for a long range of period like 10-40 years.
  • The only payout in a term insurance is the death benefit. In case of unfortunate circumstances if the insured is no more, here the nominee would receive financial support to navigate in difficult times.
  • Premiums in a regular term insurance usually stays fixed for the policy term.
  • Some policies offer the option of converting your term insurance to whole life insurance at the time of expiry.

Why Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance ?

Bajaj Allianz Life, one of India's leading Private Life Insurers, is committed to offering value-packed and innovative products to help you achieve your Life Goals.


Claim Settlement Ratio~

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4.09 Cr

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Number of Lives Covered

Solvency Ratio of 432%^

Solvency Ratio
Claim Settlement Ratio 2023-24

Disclaimer:~Individual Death Claim Settlement Ratio for FY 2023-2024 | %96.70% of non-investigative individual claims approved in one working day for FY 2023-24. 1 day is counted from date of intimation of claim before 3 PM on a working day (excluding Non-NAV days for ULIP) at Bajaj Allianz Life offices | $For details refer to press release published by CARE | **All figures as on 31 August 2024 | ^Solvency ratio 432% as at 31 March 2024 against IRDAI mandated 150% | #Individual & Group.

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Tax benefits as per prevailing Section 10(10D) and Section 80C of the Income Tax Act shall apply. You are requested to consult your tax consultant and obtain independent advice for eligibility before claiming any benefit under the policy.

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%%Above illustration is for Bajaj Allianz Life eTouch- A Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Term Plan (UIN:116N172V04) considering Male aged 24 years | Non-Smoker | Policy Term(PT)– 30 years | Premium Payment Term (PPT)– 30 years | Sum Assured opted is Rs.1,00,00,000 | Online Channel | Standard Life | 1st Year Premium is Rs. 6,051. 2nd Year onwards premium Rs. 6,460. Total Premium Paid is Rs. 1,93,391 | Medical Rates | Yearly Premium Payment Mode | Death benefit opted is lumpsum payout and monthly instalments (Lumpsum Payout Percentage: 45, Income Payout Percentage:55) | Premium shown above is inclusive of Online Discount only and exclusive of Goods & Service Tax/ any other applicable tax levied, subject to changes in tax laws, and any extra premium and is for illustrative purpose only.

##Tax benefits as per prevailing Section 10(10D) and Section 80C of the Income Tax Act shall apply. You are requested to consult your tax consultant and obtain independent advice for eligibility before claiming any benefit under the policy.Above Tax benefit is calculated considering deduction of Rs. 150,000 and applicable tax rate of 31.20%.

@Term Insurance plan bought online directly from Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance has no commissions involved.

^^The Return of Premium amount is total of all the premiums received, exclusive of extra premium, rider premium and GST & /any other applicable tax levied, subject to changes in tax laws
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd. | IRDAI Reg. No. 116


Bajaj Allianz Life eTouch- A Non Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Term Plan (UIN: 116N172V04)

*Tax benefits as per prevailing Section 10(10D) and Section 80C of the Income Tax Act shall apply. You are requested to consult your tax consultant and obtain independent advice for eligibility before claiming any benefit under the policy.Above Tax benefit is calculated considering deduction of Rs. 150,000 and applicable tax rate of 31.20%.

~Individual Death Claim Settlement Ratio for FY 2023-2024

1Premium Holiday has to be selected at inception to avail this benefit and also depends on other policy terms & conditions

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd. | IRDAI Reg. No. 116


*Above illustration is for Bajaj Allianz Life eTouch II - A Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Individual Life Insurance Term Plan (UIN:116N198V01) considering Male aged 25years | Non-Smoker | Policy Term(PT)– 30 years | Premium Payment Term (PPT)– 30 years | Sum Assured opted is Rs.1,00,00,000 | Online Channel | Standard Life | 1st Year Premium is Rs. 5,092. 2nd Year onwards premium Rs. 5,520. Total Premium Rs. 1,65,172 | Medical Rates | Yearly Premium Payment Mode | Death benefit opted is lumpsum payout and monthly instalments (Lumpsum Payout Percentage: 40, Income Payout Percentage: 60). Income payout instalment opted for 40 years | Premium shown above is inclusive of Online Discount only, no other discounts have been considered and exclusive of Goods & Service Tax/ any other applicable tax levied, subject to changes in tax laws, and any extra premium and is for illustrative purpose only. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read sales brochure & policy document (available on carefully before concluding a sale.

##Tax benefits as per prevailing Section 10(10D) and Section 80C (under old tax regime) of the Income Tax Act shall apply. You are requested to consult your tax consultant and obtain independent advice for eligibility before claiming any benefit under the policy.Above Tax benefit is calculated considering deduction of Rs. 150,000 and applicable tax rate of 31.20%.

**5% Discount applicable for customer's first individual life insurance policy, applicable only on first year’s premium. 5% Discount for salaried customers, applicable only on first year’s premium. 6% Discount on online purchase is available for regular premium payment and limited premium payment frequency on first year's premium.

$Term Insurance plan bought online directly from Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance has no commissions involved.

^^The Return of Premium means total of all the premiums paid under the base product, excluding any extra premium and taxes, if collected explicitly.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd. | IRDAI Reg. No. 116

Bajaj Allianz Life Term Insurance with tax benefit up to Rs 46,800

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Bajaj Allianz Life Term Insurance with tax benefit up to Rs 46,800*
99.23% Claim Settlement Ratio~
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Tax benefits as per prevailing Section 10(10D) and Section 80C of the Income Tax Act shall apply. You are requested to consult your tax consultant and obtain independent advice for eligibility before claiming any benefit under the policy.

 Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd.|IRDAI No.116

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I hereby authorize Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd. to call me on the contact number made available by me on the website with a specific request to call back. I further declare that, irrespective of my contact number being registered on National Customer Preference Register (NCPR) or on National Do Not Call Registry (NDNC), any call made, SMS or WhatsApp sent in response to my request shall not be construed as an Unsolicited Commercial Communication even though the content of the call may be for the purposes of explaining various insurance products and services or solicitation and procurement of insurance business

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Tax benefits as per prevailing Section 10(10D) and Section 80C of the Income Tax Act shall apply. You are requested to consult your tax consultant and obtain independent advice for eligibility before claiming any benefit under the policy.

 Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd.|IRDAI No.116

Terms & Conditions

I hereby authorize Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd. to call me on the contact number made available by me on the website with a specific request to call back. I further declare that, irrespective of my contact number being registered on National Customer Preference Register (NCPR) or on National Do Not Call Registry (NDNC), any call made, SMS or WhatsApp sent in response to my request shall not be construed as an Unsolicited Commercial Communication even though the content of the call may be for the purposes of explaining various insurance products and services or solicitation and procurement of insurance business


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